Wedding Plans

It was very thoughtful of Chey, by providing us a cake for our wedding day. Trouble is she was looking at it, and accidentally hit the purchase button. It was not the cake she had in mind to get for us.

The wedding cake she describes is, gothic looking black and red layers, with a chocolate red blood, dripping from the sides for animation. Only is SL can you have such a cake. Thank you Chey, we appreciate your thoughts, I’m sure we will use it. Kitten, and I are demons. Blood and gore, and taking souls is where we get our kicks!

I then went for a cake adventure for myself, and see what other devilicious and guilty pleasures for the sweet minded was out there. First place I poofed into was pretty nice. Sinful Temptations Boutique, the name is right up my alley. The store had several cakes on display, with all occasion cakes that were pictured on the wall. And the all important wedding cakes pictured was well, which held my interests.

The prices is very affordable to all, and that included the wedding cakes. The wedding cakes that are over L$1000 has an animation feature, that cuts and hands out a plate, with a piece of cake on it. They even have an all occasions cake that can be used for the wedding reception, to the budget minded soul. And no can tell, if you wanted a cake for simple display.

I like the store, because the owner gives priority to custom orders, and will meet your deadline. But do plan your events in advance as a courtesy. You may not be the only one with a custom order, if the currently available stocked items does not meet your needs.

They also sell Bridal Bouquet, with a variety of styles. I focused on a few to show you the details. With just looking at this store, a wedding plan is a lot of work for a bride to be. I’m glad my wife Kitten is arranging it, and has help from Chey. I would not mind helping out, but wedding plans are really for women, and they do not want the groom involved other than getting his grooms men ready and dressed for “her special” day.

My daughter Gaia, has offered to assist us. By allowing our wedding to be held at Hawkside Aviation, for the ceremony, and the reception by the shoreline. Thank you my dear daughter for your assistance. I love my daughter! I feel I have butterflies already, and I’m not event in front of the alter yet.

Anyway, I poofed into another store called, Serendipity Cakes. And what did I see? The cake that Chey described earlier. It had a skull on top of this wedding cake, with the sides dripping with chocolate red blood. Very close to what Chey described. I was laughing, one in a million chance it could be the same cake. The store did not offer much, only the Gothic Vamp Cake held my interests, and I took a picture of it.

I then went to a men’s store that sells Grooms Men formal attire as well as Bridal Dresses called, Lapointe and Bastchild Clothing. I saw several, and a few styles for the vests and jackets. The shirts has several colors as well. Not much variety for men, if any at all in the fashion world. I withheld from purchasing one, pending on the color and style of what Kitten may want to wear. I can only ask what she wants me to wear, to match closely what she has chosen. I’ve been told not to look for her wedding dress, and not to co-oars Kitten to show me her dress also. I have to wait on our wedding day to see it.

Our wedding plan is rolling, and getting to our special day in front of the alter. (Takes, a deep breath.) Details, details! I will need to check this list now and then for the following items:

  • Wedding Location: Satanic Temple of the Morning Star
  • Theme Colors: Devil Red and Vampire Black
  • Time: 4:30pm SLT/PDT seating, Wedding 5:00pm SLT/PDT
  • Date: June 5th or 6th Pending
  • Priest: Krovi
  • Reception at Hawkside Aviation Shoreline
  • Time: Pending
  • Date: Pending
  • Wedding Cake: Gothic
  • Wedding Dress: Purchased
  • Wedding Rings: Purchased
  • Bride’s Maids: Informed
  • Bride’s Maids Dresses: Purchased
  • Groom: Pacing, with butterflies
  • Groom’s Men: Wondering about Date and Time
  • Grooms Attire and Best Men: Pending
  • Wedding Rehearsal: Pending
  • Invitations: Pending

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