A Wedding In Second Life

I attended my sister Pinky’s wedding, this past weekend. I wanted to mention it earlier, but recent events to what happened to my wife, made me postpone it unit now. It’s the first time I have attended a wedding in SL. I had been given 2 - 3 invitations before, but I either forgot about it, or just didn’t care to attend. With the possibility of a wedding day of my own with Kitten this month, I better go see for myself. Kitten would have accompanied me, but she had to work in RL. I went by myself, and saw a few friends of mine that were already there, seated on the bride’s side of the aisle. And others around the wedding chapel. Also, former friends that were present, that I didn’t care for speaking again, or engage in civil conversation, which it won’t be.

I joined Mistress Rhiannon, and Bridger. I sat between them, and asked Ms Rhi, if my tuxedo was visible to her. She said, “No.“ I had worn it on, prior to me teleporting to the Vampire’s Wedding Chapel, which was attended by mostly Heretic Clan members. Honoring Princess Pinky, and Prince Frosty, as they were bestowed with those titles, one week ago. My tuxedo never rezzed, so you see me being shirtless, in my devil's red skin, with wings.

I sat waiting for the ceremony to start while chatting with Ms Rhi about her plans for the club, and changes she has in mind. I saw Frosty in front of the alter as a fog, with a Heretic Priest, a step above him. Hard to tell if he was calm, but under that, he was probably a nervous wreck, with sweaty palms, and a dry mouth. Maybe close to fainting, and wobbly legs what would collapse, if you handed him a pet chiwawa dog to hold.

Finally, the weddings started with everyone taking their seats. The bride’s maids walked by the aisle, and shortly my sister Princess Pinky walking down the aisle, being escorted by her father, whom I never met. She looked beautiful and elegant in a black gown with lingerie trimmings, that sweep and touched the floor. And finally, at the alter with Frosty, to which her father gave her to him. The priest started saying, “Welcome to all, we celebrate this matrimony with Pinky and Frosty, to form a new life together…” I started thinking about me and Kitty, I at the alter, and Kitten walking down the aisle dressed in a beautiful elegant gown also, being attended by friends and family.

The wedding ceremony went well, until Frosty crashed. “Blame it on SL glitch to log you out at the wrong time.” I said. As it has happened to me during love making, and especially in a middle of a conversation that was important. I’m sure I was not the only one affected, as I think it has happened to many others.

Frosty got to log back in, and they exchanged vows. I took the time to make a landmark, and of course several pictures for this special occasion, between my sister Pinky, and Frosty, my brother in-law. I hope for the best for them. I am very happy for them.

"We gather today to celebrate the union of two lives, us one."
Heretic Priest

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