A Poem for Kaboom

This poem was dedicated to me, by a former concubine. Her name is Memory, and wanted to cheer me up after Ariel ended her partnership with me. Thank you Memory for your caring thoughts. More about Memory in my blogs, as she was one of my first concubines when I started in SL.


April 30, 2010

I found out yesterday that a SL friend of mine Kaboom, who was partnered with a woman have broken up with this sl wife. I felt so bad for him because even though it is sl love, it went into RL as well. So Kaboom this poem for you, I hope that it will help heal your heart and be able to move on:)

"Passing Time"

Sun going down slowly
Faster through each time
Beautiful skies starting to show
Throughout this wonderful season

Joys of laughter, happiness, and fertility
Hoping for something
Something better
Something new

Waiting for the time
The time to rejoice
Waiting for the time
The time to rejoice

Memory's Blog: A New Start
Pen Name: Hugs N Kissez

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