Another interesting day, with my wife Kitten. She killed me three times today. Yup, you are correct. I let her do it to me, and she let me have it on the head. Not my tiny head…the one I use to think with. I wanted to know what kind of weapons she had in her arsenal. And IE, happens to be a kill zone. So, I told her to use them on me, and for her to know how they worked. So, I can rely on her to kill someone at my bidding later on.
I stood there, right in front of her. Gave her a cage gun, to start her off with a harmless capture device. That is simple to use, and can’t kill me.
“Okay,” I said. Next thing I know, I was sent home packing. Cage Gun killed me instantly! It landed on my head. That was a surprise I didn’t expect. A harmless weapon became deadly. I teleported in front of her, and we laughed about it. "Okay, next love…" (I was trying to finish a sentence.) Bam!!! I slumped over and hit the ground, and got sent home packing again.
“Well, since you got your shield on. You don’t mind do you?” Smiles, and looking innocently while placing the big gun behind her back. “I guess so love. Ok I’m ready for you.” She starts shooing at me and the shields hold, and she starts using other weapons…and I stood their laughing.
“No more bite, love?” Bam! I got sent home again. So, I IM her and asked what did she used to get pass my shields. “I used the cage gun Love.” “Damn!” I said. Then she IM’s me back. “Hun, I’m dead too.” “Oh. What happened? Who killed you?”
"I did. I killed myself accidentally. I was throwing grenades at your shield, and bounced back at me, and exploded." We laughed. “Oh, forgot to tell you love. My shields can ricochet certain items back at the opponent. I figure you needed to learn first hand experience.” We laughed some more.
Later, I had Azula, a former concubine join us. She puts on a Watermelon Launcher, and we laughed. “No weapons dear?” “No. This is the only weapon I have besides the “kiss of death.” We laughed. I went ahead and put on my Cow Launcher. The ladies laughed. “That your weapon?” Azula asked “Yup, nice humm.” I said. “Hun, you better get yourself a real man’s weapon. That is silly to have. “ Azula laughing. “Okay, I will. After we have our fight. All right, spread out. Everyone for themselves.”
I went underground, and hidden from the ladies. As they were shooting at each other, I sneaked near my wife Kitten, and laid a barrage of cows hitting her in the head. She slumped over, and got sent home packing. My first kill with the Cow Launcher. I could not believe it. Fucker kills too. Then I tried to kill Azula, but she was evasive and hard to kill. And each time, I was going to target Azula, Kitten would teleport in, and get hit with a barrage of fire thrown against her, by me and Azula. My poor wife. I don’t know how many times she died that night.
Later, Gavin joined in, owner of the Sim., and killed Azula, Kitten, and myself easily, with an M16 automatic rifle. He had prior military experience in RL. But the way he did it, was in cold blood. He ambushed us with all of us three called for a cease fire, and with our guards down. After that, we three took a break by the campfire, wearing our weapons to watch for Gavin’s future ambush.
We laughed about killing each other off, and a change of pace in SL. It’s not everyday you can kill your wife, or your husband and kiss up to each other afterwards at the end of the day. That was a fun time.