I went there the same day, I was at Jaded Wings, but later in the evening. I was with Kitten, Shadow, and Gaia at the Satanic Temple of the Morning Star. Trying to secure the place for Kitten and myself. I joined two satanic cults in SL, trying to find a good place for demons to have a wedding ceremony. One I just mentioned, and the other is SL Church of Satan (not affiliated with the RL church).
I got to talking with a person by the name of “Lovelessheart” whom I thought of the time was a man, and turns out to be a woman. Sorry. About where to marry, and got into the discussion of demon skins, which I covered in April. She said, “You don’t have the best one listed in your profile picks.” “Oh…really?” “Yes.” She sends me a landmark for Abaddon Arts. As everyone was leaving the temple, I decided to visit this new demon store. She was proud of “boosting.” I sense hubris.
I got to speak with Love, and informed me her husband Demon Lord Abaddon, himself will be seeing me. Interesting and an honor, I thought. He arrived dress in demon regalia, and wanted to know if I had questions about the products he sold. I said, “No.” We chatted among other things, and later asked him, if I could take pictures of his products. He said, “No my friend, not without a written agreement.” “Okay, no problem.” So, there is nothing I can do, but obey his wishes not to display his products on my blog.
But you can view them with the links I have provided: Baphomet Demon, that comes in black, and red. And the Ledd Demon, which takes you to Xstreet Marketplace.
I later poofed in Kitten, Stephie, and Stormy. As they kept me company at one time, while I was there, and later exploring the sim outside the store. The store itself, was placed under an abandoned castle. On top of a mountain with sides flowing with lave, creating a hellish look. There were upside down crucifixes. Kitten, Stormy, and I posed for pictures. Just had to take a picture of Kitten’s new wings, which she purchased at the store. Stormy, and I later went to explore the castle. I panned with camera view, as the door was locked. I saw the throne room, bedroom, and the grand hallway, which displayed pictures of Lord Abaddon and his demon wife Love. I used the teleport that sent me to the skybox above. Also a nice location up among the clouds.
The visit was nice, but would have been better, if I had pictures of the store in my blog displayed. I’m not going back anytime soon, until I get permission to take pictures, and when they have new products set for sell.
On the bottom floor, they have a recording from YouTube. The cries, and screaming of the damned souls in Hell, recorded by geologist in Russia. This is the link, “Damned in Hell.”
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