Group Fun - Indecent Exposure

Last night, in front of Indecent Exposure Dance Building. I meet Chey there, and we sat on the ground, after Chey placed a rug for us. We chatted about her relationship with Fox and her SL experience, and my new partnership with Kitten. And eventually was joined by Ms. Rhiannon, Love, Minx, and two others. Ms. Rhiannon has a Chim on her ass, as she suggested we try it out. So not being shy, I got up and spanked her ass to get me dancing. Soon all of us were dancning, and Otto recorded this little gathering of friends in front of the club.

Chey was at the start of the recording, but got logged out by SL giltch. I was drinking Pirate Rum during the recording, provided by Love in the tuxedo.

No sound was available during the recording. Next time I will have sound for you.

Mistress Rhiannon; Skin, Love Bridges; Tuxedo, Kitten Dexing; Demoness, Kaboom Coba; Drinking, Otto Turbo; Red Shirt, Minx Winterwolf; Gown

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