The One Ring...

With our wedding ceremony coming up next Sunday, with Kitten and I having worn our rings in advance. I decided to mention this “one ring” from an IM Jane Doe sent me.

She received a “Slaver’s Ring” from a stranger, and being gullible as she is, added it to her inventory and placed it on her finger. And once worn, the stranger got complete control of her avatar. She could not detach / remove, or delete it. She was forced teleported to a sex location, and he controlled her avatar to have sex with him. She was unable to move or teleport away, she was trapped to do his bidding.

I didn’t know to thank him personally or send him a note card. But I feel she deserves what she gets for being a sexual predator herself. Preying on men’s emotions and continually to misrepresent herself in SL, with different avatars she also plays with in SL. She even self proclaims herself to being an “evil woman” in SL. But can’t handle it when a real “evil avatar” decides to make a fool of out her. Poor woman.

Anyway, the only reason I am posting this is to warn by fellow female friends and family members in SL, not to receive gifts from people you don’t know. And if you happen to wear this “Slaver’s Ring” the only way to get rid of it is to go into preferences of your top task bar, unclick the RLV box, log off, and log back in-world to detach and delete it. It will work.

How many different kinds of slavers rings are there in SL? How many avatars are giving them out or are being worn by other in SL? The point is, if you want it, you can buy it on Xstreet. Its not illegal because there is a use for it in Gor Sims or for role play among friends. But its illegal to impede the movement or violate the rights of others in RL, which applies also in SL. And its not acceptable to harass anyone in IM also. I can only stress mutual “free will and consent” when all matters of activates in SL.

Even though I play a demon persona in SL, I am obligated to follow the Terms of Service provided by Linden Labs, which you and I agreed to accept prior to entering in-world of SL. Be civil and play nice, is to simplify what Linden Labs wants you to be, during your visit in SL. SL is meant to be a fantasy world, and for you to create and enjoy. But must respect the rights of others at all times.

Just be aware of rings and furniture that are traps with RLV, as I will be mentioning it on my later blogs. Enjoy your SL.

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