Shall We Play A Game?

There were several reasons, why I chose Ariel to be my first wife in SL. Like in RL, most marriages never survive the 5th year of their anniversary date. Ariel was my test girl, after having seven concubines at one time. I needed to change. And here are my reasons to agree to partner with Ariel.

First…Ariel was very promiscuous. She had a stable of “cum and go” guys, as I referred them to her. Like me, she wanted sex, and play the field. SL allows that kind of promiscuous activity, and with little regard by both sexes, if they might be hurting the other person behind the screen. Remember, sexual libido / gratification is what drives the economy of SL.

Second…Ariel and I, wanted to partner. This was definitely something different for both of us. Ariel’s reasons were at the time, is to “settle down,” and having sex with a lot of her stable boys was making her sick to the stomach. Then again, a chance to experiment what being partnered was about. She had several chances to do just that in the past. But was unable to partner, due to the stupidity of the men in question. And I was willing to go along with the idea of being partnered, when she brought it up.

I too for having concubines, needed time with each one. The women, needed “after care” after each love making. And got to be a drain on me, mentally. I was working as a Host, at one time with three different clubs. That really brought my attention to what I was doing to myself. With work and quality time with each of my concubines. I needed to end one or less time spending in anyone activity.

Third…Quid Pro Quo, We each had something to give up. Her boys, and my girls. And to commit to each other. You think it would be easy enough to do, right? Wrong. I was saying goodbyes, to Raven, Azula, and Kitten. Ending my intimate one on one relationship with them. They were the most active of my concubines. And I have yet to talk to StarBreeze, and Emmanuel, who have not logged in-world for at least two months.

Fourth…I believed deep down in me, Ariel wanted to play a cruel game with me. I read her blogs. SL is a fantasy world for her, and plays it like a game. You think I’m that kind of guy that would jump blindly into a relationship. No, not me. Especially, a woman that says, “never meant to hurt anyone, but it happens.”

Yeah…that’s you, be a doormat or ass wipe to be used and abused, if you think all Avs are honest in SL. There is a lot of misrepresentations of themselves in-world, more so in RL. You must be into psychological tendencies of wanting to be hurt, or crave the attention it draws to yourself. Which we call in the medical field, Attention Deficit Syndrome.

But…being a boy scout, I asked Kitten to help me draw out Ariel. Play a game of Poker, and see who can play better with our relationship. I asked Kitten, if Ariel un-partners with me, “Will you take me back?” Kitten agreed to. Hence, “The Pack With the Devil” was put into play, the dealer’s flop. I waited for her turn and play. She ended it later, and I kept my pact with Kitten, with my turn. Ariel lost the game. She even wanted to play me again. The nerve of her, who can’t deal of losing. Tough luck dear…

I have and love my Kitten.

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