"You serpents, you generation of vipers,
how can you escape the damnation of Gehenna?"
- Jesus, from Matthew 23:33
Fairysnake Productions, was mentioned earlier in my blog “Dark Goddess Designs.” The store has several avatars on display, with most having bright colors. Four sets to choose from, bipedal, half serpent and half human, full serpent body, and bipedal with wings. The heads have the Cobra Hood shape. And I don’t know, if the hoods animate. But that would be wonderful, if it did.
The avatar contains the following items as indicated below in their store:
- 18 different eye colors with 3 different pupils
- 3 different optional hoods
- 3 different sit animations
- 2 tails with new AO
- 2 skins (PG & Non-PG)
- Muzzle Talk with AO
- Blinking Prim Eyes, Hissing Tongue, Blushing Muzzle
- Scripted Hiss Gesture and Sound
- Scripted Tail for Hugging and Entangle
- Simple HUD customization and control
- Multiple pants and underpants
- FREE - Kiss and Hug multi-tool included.
I’m mentioning the Nagas, when Kira’s showed me her skin at Sinful Needs. It looked interesting and mentions them in the Book of Genesis. A demon possessing the body of a bipedal or upright serpent. And how Eve succumbed to the serpent's crafty remarks, “eat this fruit from the Tree of Knowledge.”
My knowledge gained from visiting Fairysnake is that they make better looking Nagas. From what I’ve seen, it’s ok, and will do for now. And if you really must have one in your inventory, by all means. But the Nagas of the future will only get better with details. And I hoped to encounter a Naga skin, that will knock me down and “WOW” me in SL. So far, I have seen none to date.