Baphomet Club And Hell Punk

Baphomet Club Traffic; 4576

“The best authentic metal, goth, rock, industrial, vamp, devil, urban, punk, alternative, demon, grunge club in SL!. Live DJ's, open 24/7, events, contests, bohemia, czech, Slovak”

Kitten and I poofed in, and the club was empty of hellish critters. We went there to check it out, and is advertised being open 24/7. False advertisement. Not Good. The music stream they had on plays heavy mental, not my kind of music. We stayed for one or two dances and left. I would not go back personally, as I just don’t care for heavy metal music. I could lose my hearing of what I have left.

Hell Punk Traffic; 3048

"In the depths of Hell, demons and devils gather to carouse and frolic to a symphony of molten sound. Lost souls writhe and grind to the clash of rock and metal eternally.”

Kitten, and I went there to check it out, after Baphomet Club. This club plays punk music, and it was too dead. No one was there. I saw their events board, and they listed upcoming events. They have a radio stream “97 The Edge” running. So, can’t really tell what kind of music they generally play. But if they play the music like the stream its on, then its worth it to me, to stop by here once and awhile. If you like “Green Day” then you may enjoy this club.

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