In Comes Luicfer, Out Goes Skorksis

I meet Luicfer the other day, Kitten’s older brother in RL. He has finally decided to join us in SL. Kitten helped him by choosing his name for him, “Luicfer” and handing him weapons. He also brought Baphomet avatar for himself from Abaddon at Xstreet, as we talked about skins. He came into SL well prepared as he has inquired about it previously, and seen pictures of me from Kitten. Glad to have him around, as he watches over Kitten in RL, now he watches over her in SL. But the current situation is, while he is in-world, Kitten will not be. They have to share a lap top until he gets his own.

Did I mention he wants to partner already? He did have a partner in mind, when I logged back in. Her name is “MommaBear.” But I feel he’s rushing himself into an unpleasant situation for being a newbie. I think he should explore SL, meet as many women as possible, or even play the field before settling down. Hell, that’s what I did for 3 months, until finally deciding to partner up, and ultimately having Kitten as my partner, and love in SL.

Then before Luicfer left that day, he decided to take MommaBear as his submissive, and hopefully they get to know each other, and if it works out, great for both of them. He has himself a partner to explore SL for the better. If not, well that’s part of the SL experience, as hurt happens.

Skorksis, finally contacted me after I summoned him to join Kitten and I the other night. He said, “I was sleeping.” I don’t pity the fool for being logged in-world, when they should be logged off, especially if there are expected to answer a summons call. Anyway, I teleported him to IE, and asked him if he was interested in quartering with us. A simple yes or no would have been a proper answer, but he asked who is staying there.

Then it became an interrogation on me, with a sword in hand, and an AO slapping on the other hand. He started demanding, and that he is my equal. I kid you not. He pissed me off! Demons do not run a democracy in a household, its totalitarian rule. It’s Absolute rule! My word is the rule of law, and expect everyone in my household not to question it, least he / she wants stern punishment.

Instead of me killing him on the spot where he stood, I decided to eject and ban him altogether. He would have soiled my Skybox Mansion with his blood, and no submissive was online at the time to clean the mess afterwards. It would have been me to clean after my own mess. I acted immediately to expel him from Hell‘s Angels, as I have “zero tolerance” for insubordination in my household, especially having to deal with an ex-partner from last month. I do consider myself a nice person.

I do ask nicely, like Theodore Roosevelt’s foreign policy “Speak softly, but carry a big stick.” Its how I carry myself when dealing with household, with the exception of Kitten, to which I seek her consultation and opinions. I also consider her my only equal in the household. The old saying, “Power behind the throne” which may be true, as she purchased my current throne for me.

"Be gone Skorksis, banished you forever from my sight. You trouble us no more." I think his attitude has something to do with the invocation ritual that went foul, when Kitten forgot to recite “the power that binds us” may have been a contributing factor. Does not matter at this point, from a regal dragon to a pauper from my household, tossed out as an unwanted hammer. Maybe someone else may pick him up, but be warned of a mind that is not settled or at peace with himself.

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