Family That Eats "Humans"

We are a family of demons having a meal over human chops, and having small talk. Dinning Table was given to Kitten by a friend of hers, as a wedding gift to us. It was very thoughtful of them. We were certainly looking to buy a table, and glad this arrived in good timing.

Stormy, Raven, and I

Human Chops

I, Chey, and MommaBear, as they arrived for dinner time.

[22:55] Kaboom Coba: we just got this table today as a wedding present
[22:55] Kaboom Coba: 8 of us live her together
[22:56] Raven: I see.
[22:56] Kaboom Coba: hardly all at once are here
[22:56] Kaboom Coba: time difference
[22:57] Kaboom Coba: that human chops btw your eating
[22:57] Raven: nods
[22:57] Stormy: mmmmmmmm human the other white
[22:57] Kaboom Coba: lol
[22:59] Kaboom Coba: i just cooked food myself in RL..i'll eat later
[23:00] Kaboom Coba: i like this table. So family can eat while chatting. Instead of standing around here
[23:01] Raven: Mmhmm
[23:07] Raven: We are all so
[23:07] Stormy: Sorry to cut this short but I'm getting tired.
[23:07] Stormy: we must be enjoying the food.
[23:08] Raven: ok hon, thanks for joining us...
[23:08] Stormy: Your welcome Master.
[23:09] Stormy: Nice meeting you Madam Raven.
[23:09] Raven: Likewise
[23:09] Stormy: Good night Master Kaboom and Madam Raven.
[23:09] Kaboom Coba: bye Stormy
[23:09] Raven: goodnight hun
[23:12] Raven: So, 8 of the clan lives in this house...
[23:12] Kaboom Coba: yes
[23:13] Kaboom Coba: my 3 subs live here
[23:13] Kaboom Coba: my daughter celes, a pet, kitten, her brother, and his sub
[23:13] Raven: Sounds lovely...
[23:14] Raven: "a pet"?
[23:14] Kaboom Coba: yup..a baby dragon
[23:15] Kaboom Coba: this table has 6 different meals to rezz
[23:15] Raven: nice

I added our food supplies today, and placed them in our storage area. Got the items from Xstreet at 149.00 Lindens. Pretty good, in making the Mansion looked well occupied by us. We are settling in, and just setting our plans for June, and make Kitten and I, husband and wife in SL.

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