The design I asked for was simple enough, with red and gray for the text, and some kind of hellish background for a BDSM group. It replaced a simple Red Rose texture, and previously a picture of Memory and I in a steam room, at Sexy Life Beach screwing.
I am satisfied with the design, so was Stormy and Stephie, as they were with me that day when I asked for their opinions. My first use of the logo was to inform the group of the logo change. I may again change the logo, but not for a long time.
Our official group hang-out is at Indecent Exposure, the sim is a BDSM adult region. Activities and dance events are posted on the Google Calendar of this blog's side bar links. All members have the ability to invite new members in the group. It's free to join our group. Interests of becoming a follower, and later as a Immortal Demon can IM me in-world, or send me a note card of you requesting to join the ranks of the infernals.
Hell's Angels of Kaboom Coba