I and Shadow went to Kitsch. There I let her roam around, but she stayed mostly close by to comfort me. She and I know all is not well with my wife Kitten in RL. I care not to discuss it, as its too personal. But I’m mad as Hell, for the trouble someone is giving her. And I’m helpless to do anything about it, along with Azula, and Chey. Only that, we are all supporting her, and hope her family in RL helps her out.
I just stayed on one spot, and didn’t bother to move much. I thought about Kitten, and could not really sleep much. It’s around midnight to 3 a.m. my time, when we have time together. Kitten won’t be in-world for awhile, until things are resolved in RL. I have to be patient, because its all I can do.
So, I took some pictures. Especially my new eyes, which I got from Red Eye Kingdom. “Burning Solar” is the name of the item, and that’s what I feel and see right now. I also took pictures of Shadow. But she got curious of what I was doing, and sniffed at my camera lens. Lucky for me, she didn’t try to bite at the camera. She behaved herself nicely at the beach. Good girl. Shadow had to leave for RL.
Chey and Azula, came by later to join me. We chatted and supported each other, with our concerns for Kitten’s well being. Chey gave me a hug, and left. Azula gave me a peck on the cheek, and left. I looked at the Sun set for a few more minutes, and then logged off.