Snuff - Kill Joy Events @ Indecent Exposure

I held my first sanctioned kill-joy event at IE. After having the thrill, excitement, and fun of last night. I got the go ahead from Gavin and Ms. Rhiannon to hold events on their sim. Five people participated in this opening event; Ms. Rhiannon, Stormy, Hateful, Azula, and myself. This time, we were armed with heavy firepower, carrying chain and Uzi machine guns, and a shotgun for backups. Also with swords, explosives, and magic in our personal arsenal in our inventory.

Hateful, Stormy, and I set out, fanned in a triangle pattern, covering each others flanks. It was ok, until we got to the forest. It was hard to see, but we communicated through our IM’s to watch out for Gavin, Malcolm, and Geoffrey. It was uneventful and headed back to the starting location. And while going back, I saw someone leave the neutral dance club, and opened up with my chain machine gun. I was the only one able to get the shoots off, but I didn’t know if I got a kill. Person was gone by the time we arrived, and Stormy was later MIA (missing in action).

We lay hidden and took up concealed positions around the club. Hoping to ambush anyone that teleported in, and step out of the club. While we chatted among ourselves in IM. It appears no one was going to show up anytime soon, and headed to the back of the club, and stood around and just chat in local.

Azula showed up for this event, as she enjoyed herself also from last night. Ms Rhiannon showed up, stood in the doorway, greeted me, and opened a barrage of gun fire with her own machine gun. Cutting me down to pieces in no time, and got sent home packing. I need to stop getting surprised, with my pants down. She must be laughing her head off, back at the sim.

I asked my girls, to bring down Ms. Rhiannon in my IM’s, but when I got back the girls were talking to her. About the gestures they used in SL, where there from, and their ages, and occupation is RL.

Ok, no problem. I let the girls talk, and walked over to the mine field and step onto them, blowing me up in the air, and landing on my head. It only took 5 to 10% away from my health, but recovered quickly. I fired at some birds flying overhead, and at the fishes swimming in a nearby water way. Getting bored and walked back to where the girls were still talking. “Ok ladies, 10 minutes until I opened fire on all of you, for my stress relief.” I didn’t know if they heard me, but reminded them 5 minutes later, and then headed out to take cover.

I opened fire on Stormy, as she was carrying an Uzi, and she fired back at me, while I was behind a tree. Poor girl got hit with friendly fire, because she was in the middle of a crossfire, with the other girls behind her firing back at me. She slumped on her knees and died instantly, blood pouring from her body. I tried to out maneuver Azula, as she was hard to kill from last night. She flew overhead and opened fired at her with no effect from my machine gun, and I didn’t know that Ms. Rhiannon came up from my blind side, and opened up with a barrage of gun fire as well. I took cover while losing 75% of my health. Azula then came down from the sky, finishing me off at point blank range. Tat…tat…tat…tat…tat….tat… Tat…tat…tat…tat…tat….tat… Dead.

Event Notice for the groups:

Hello Everyone,
We are holding a snuff - kill joy event at Indecent Exposure
(Kill Zone). Two locations to start off from:

Indecent Exposure Dance Club Entrance
Church of the Poisoned Mind Entrance

You ever curious if our weapons are working right. Guns firing,
instead of jamming, shields able to with stand a barrage of gun fire.

Ever wanted to ambush someone you don’t like.
Invite him / her here to do that and kill'em off.

Ever wanted a place for you and fellow members to find out their skill levels. This place offers a large place to hide and seek each other out.

Try your nukes here, and send it flying.
Use your magic here, and cast a wicked spell on someone.

****No weapons use inside the dance building. Neutral ground / break area, to party, dance, and relax, after the killing. Strictly enforced. No warning, get banned or ejected.

Stop by and kill someone you know or love today. Check Google Calendar for future club events.

Kaboom Coba, General Manager
Indecent Exposure

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