Fashion In Second Life

There are lots of stores in SL, but the variety of clothing totally boggles the mind. There is a new design introduced everyday at Xstreet Market online, or at the store location. You know this when you get a group notification of a new design with the picture of if and the introductory price. There are more designs of clothing in SL, than there are in RL. Because of some of the scripture or animation that goes with the clothing.

Try buying a dress, that comes with boots, and accessories, plus a tattoo to go in RL. Buy all that plus color modification and size adjustments, and with copy, transfer in some designs. Only in Second Life you are mostly guaranteed a perfect fit. If it does not fit, it was a bad script design.

This is a store where my wife Kitten loves to shop, among others in her list of favorites. Control your Lindens.

Snooks Unique Fashion, for Men and Women.

Got this for my wife. Multi combination clothing,
and her favorite color is red and black.

Other clothes and styles, with the variety is endless.

My kind of designer clothes, Dark Demon.

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