
I got back in world later than I expected with Kitten still logged in, having conversations with Chey, and Shadow. I joined them at Horny Li’L Devil Saloon. It’s where I meet Cheyenne, and now where she works as a dancer and hostess. Home of the Barflies Motorcycle Club also.

We chatted a bit, and Kitten soon had to leave. It was past 1:00 a.m. London time for her, and I feel bad being late to join her. And keeping her up late, when she is scheduled to work that morning. We said, “Good Night” and “Bye” to her. Shortly, Stormy one of my submissives, joined us. Just kicking back, and relaxing on the chairs outside the club.

Koran, Vice President of the Barflies came by, and later was joined by Bushwick, a demon. My kind of people. They started talking about motorcycles, and placed them on display. Chey mounted one, just to get the feel of it between her legs. Well, it gave her a smile with all that power vibrating between her thighs. Koran and Bush started boosting about their skills on a Hog, and the only way a biker to prove this, is by getting on their Hog. They raced around the sim, while Chey, Stormy, and I watched. Chey has 3 herself, and placed her newest one out. Its color is black, and its front wheel tires can have animated flames.

I seated myself behind the motorbike handles, and took it for a brief spin. It’s not the first time I have ridden one. I rode one at Stafford Town, which is a Dolcett Sim. But this time, I did not have much room, and lost control. I ended up in the river, wet and ego bruised. I really need to learn to ride a motorbike. It’s the coolest thing to have in SL. Dance clubs use them to get people in their clubs as prizes to be won on the contest board. Maybe after the wedding, I will finally get one. And Chey and I can be ridding partners, and maybe Kitten will develop an interests in ridding a Hog too.

I went over to Sinful Needs later that night, to gave the store more coverage in my blog. And saw this motorbike. Its called, the Scimitar. It has the store’s logo brand on the fuel tank. I think it’s a cool motorbike to have, and if your into collecting motorbikes in SL. I am considering of getting it for myself. But don’t hold your breath on it. The styles and variety in SL is endless, like the fashion design world. You can even have it custom made, like Chey’s new one. Its just have much Lindens you want to spend, to grow your collection of motorbikes.

The Scimitar, on display at Sinful Needs.

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