Chey's Photo Studio

Kitten and I.

Chey came back later that morning and finally got to unpack her Photo Studio. She had it for awhile in her inventory, and initially paid for $99 Lindens for it. She placed it on display for us at our family lair, and took a picture of herself and gave it to me. It came out really nice, and it’s a shame I don’t have a picture of it as its only available in-world for viewing.

To the rescue!

Chey allowed Kitten and I to use her studio, and we took a series of photos with different poses and backgrounds to choose from. And I decided to post these pictures that are different that show my tender feelings for her. Love you Kitten.

Together forever.

My profile picture.

Wishing Well And For Laughs

Chey (Cheyenne) and Fox (her Master), gave Kitten and I an early wedding present yesterday, but I did not open it. I waited for Kitten to log in and we opened it together, with Chey being present. If you don’t know about SL, most things that are purchased in a store comes in a box, and will need to be rezzed or materialized before you.

Once it’s delivered in your inventory place it on the ground. By dragging it out from your inventory and placing it on a designated sandbox (term used for a place to rezzed objects) ground area. Right click on it, select open, and a frame opens up. Select copy to inventory. It then copies the items back into your inventory as individual items. Click on the box again, and this time select to take it off the ground. You can keep it or delete the box altogether, your choice. But I keep the box, just in case I drop the item or lose it from some kind of glitch. I can rezzed it again, instead of buying another. But only if the creator allows you permission to make additional copies, and those are the items I look for while shopping on Xstreet.

The item is from Lighthouse Wedding, a Wishing Well. Its Gothic Black, with red roses on the sides, a bucket crank, a bucket set above the water in the well. All I had to do was set the key numbers from Kitten’s and my profile, and its set to receive linden dollars. It has the following features scripted into it:

  • Allows guests to drop a note card to the happy couple.
  • Gives a gift of White Roses to everyone that clicks on it.
  • It accepts linden dollars for the couple and divides them equally.
It was very thoughtful of Chey and Fox for getting us this present. We set it right next to our wedding invitation. So who ever visits us can get the wedding invitation and place a note card or linden dollars into the Well. Chey left to do something afterwards, and gave me an opportunity to play a prank on my lovely wife, Kitten.

I ask her to follow me to a spot, and for her to close her eye. She did without fail, and I immediately dropped a ton of garbage on her head. My intent was not to kill her, but it left a deep cut on her head, as demon blood streamed out into our redwood flooring, her under a pile of stinking garage, and was unconscious by the impact. It took awhile for her tail to settle down, as it was stunned, but finally disappeared among the pile. I sat on the pile of garbage, getting a good laugh at her expense. I cleaned out my mess and lifted my Kitten up.

I took Kitten back to the bedroom, and applied hemlock dressings on her head (its a poisonous plant, but a healing herb for demons), and finally she got conscious. I confused that it was me that played a good humored prank on her, and she was able to crack a smile and we laughed about it. I bet her laugh was somehow to get evil on my ass later this year, just to even things out. I love you wife, please be kind.

Loving my wife, Kitten.

The One Ring...

With our wedding ceremony coming up next Sunday, with Kitten and I having worn our rings in advance. I decided to mention this “one ring” from an IM Jane Doe sent me.

She received a “Slaver’s Ring” from a stranger, and being gullible as she is, added it to her inventory and placed it on her finger. And once worn, the stranger got complete control of her avatar. She could not detach / remove, or delete it. She was forced teleported to a sex location, and he controlled her avatar to have sex with him. She was unable to move or teleport away, she was trapped to do his bidding.

I didn’t know to thank him personally or send him a note card. But I feel she deserves what she gets for being a sexual predator herself. Preying on men’s emotions and continually to misrepresent herself in SL, with different avatars she also plays with in SL. She even self proclaims herself to being an “evil woman” in SL. But can’t handle it when a real “evil avatar” decides to make a fool of out her. Poor woman.

Anyway, the only reason I am posting this is to warn by fellow female friends and family members in SL, not to receive gifts from people you don’t know. And if you happen to wear this “Slaver’s Ring” the only way to get rid of it is to go into preferences of your top task bar, unclick the RLV box, log off, and log back in-world to detach and delete it. It will work.

How many different kinds of slavers rings are there in SL? How many avatars are giving them out or are being worn by other in SL? The point is, if you want it, you can buy it on Xstreet. Its not illegal because there is a use for it in Gor Sims or for role play among friends. But its illegal to impede the movement or violate the rights of others in RL, which applies also in SL. And its not acceptable to harass anyone in IM also. I can only stress mutual “free will and consent” when all matters of activates in SL.

Even though I play a demon persona in SL, I am obligated to follow the Terms of Service provided by Linden Labs, which you and I agreed to accept prior to entering in-world of SL. Be civil and play nice, is to simplify what Linden Labs wants you to be, during your visit in SL. SL is meant to be a fantasy world, and for you to create and enjoy. But must respect the rights of others at all times.

Just be aware of rings and furniture that are traps with RLV, as I will be mentioning it on my later blogs. Enjoy your SL.

The Cake And Invitation For D-Day

With our wedding ceremony about a week away, the invitation was made, and the cake all ready to be placed on top of a table. But today was the first time I got a look of the cake, that Chey purchased for us. It was perfect, and she was worried that Kitten and I didn’t like it. Well, she was wrong. We love it!

It has a casket of top, with blood running out and around the sides of this 3 layer cake. The casket is a symbol of death, and a soul is to be determined if its needed to be harvested by a demon. And blood is the essence of life, which has flown out from this casket to symbolize death, again. No wonder vampires are always seeking the blood of humans, its their water to live for eternity, and to seek forgiveness of their sins.

Mentioning Bible Verses to link role play in SL:

Then he took the cup, gave thanks and offered it to them, saying, "Drink from it, all of you. This is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins." Matthew 26:26-28

Just to quickly mention why my demon family eats human flesh in SL.

While they were eating, Jesus took bread, gave thanks and broke it, and gave it to his disciples, saying, "Take and eat; this is my body." Matthew 26:26-28

Jesus said to them, "I tell you the truth, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you have no life in you. Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life, and I will raise him up at the last day." John 6:53-54

We are eating Jesus, in remembrance of him when we eat the flesh of humans. Our perverted way of communion, to try to entry and return to heaven, but it sickens humans in SL.

Back to the wedding plans, the invitation was quickly made and sent to Kitten, after we took a series of pictures the other night. It turned out just the way we wanted it. Perfect! I set it on the ground floor for my frineds and family to get the LM and invitation for them to click on. Now to get my men ready.

A Little Fun

Kitten arrived shortly and joined as for diner, and no sooner than she did, I wend up crashing. I tried to log back in, but SL for some reason did not allow me in. And since I was hungry at the time, I quickly ate my previously prepared meal earlier.

I back got in SL, and everyone was still there. Chey, Kitten, MommaBear, and Shadow. I told Kitten, I wanted to get the invitation picture portrait taken care of before I logged off for the evening. One place always in my mind to have it done, and we headed for Midsomer Isle. A romantic place, that I always find very appealing for couples. I took a series of pictures and had Kitten select the best one, and have her sent it off to a portrait designer making the invitation notice. The picture below comes close to what Kitten choose.

Mi Amore.

After the pictures, Kitten had something planned for me, and we headed back to Skybox Mansion at IE. She brought a few new clothes for me to see, when Kitten and Chey went shopping together recently. Chey is a naughty girl, and has influence on Kitten, all in a good way. After all, they are sisters in SL. Chey has the official title as “Teasetress” in my Hades Kitchen family group.

Busy with my demon tongue.


Kitten, brought a sexy nurse uniform (if you can call it a uniform), school girl, and skimpy outfits. All are very sexy, and seductive. I enjoyed watching Kitten, strip and pose for me, and taking pictures of her too. That’s what guys do in RL with their sexy girlfriends, right? So I did the same in SL. And eventually place my camera down, and went about pleasing my girl, which Kitten wanted me to do in the first place. We had some fun, but could not fully engage in love making, because of family being present at home. And I was falling asleep behind the screen too. We kissed and said “goodnight” to each other, and I logged off.

Family That Eats "Humans"

We are a family of demons having a meal over human chops, and having small talk. Dinning Table was given to Kitten by a friend of hers, as a wedding gift to us. It was very thoughtful of them. We were certainly looking to buy a table, and glad this arrived in good timing.

Stormy, Raven, and I

Human Chops

I, Chey, and MommaBear, as they arrived for dinner time.

[22:55] Kaboom Coba: we just got this table today as a wedding present
[22:55] Kaboom Coba: 8 of us live her together
[22:56] Raven: I see.
[22:56] Kaboom Coba: hardly all at once are here
[22:56] Kaboom Coba: time difference
[22:57] Kaboom Coba: that human chops btw your eating
[22:57] Raven: nods
[22:57] Stormy: mmmmmmmm human the other white
[22:57] Kaboom Coba: lol
[22:59] Kaboom Coba: i just cooked food myself in RL..i'll eat later
[23:00] Kaboom Coba: i like this table. So family can eat while chatting. Instead of standing around here
[23:01] Raven: Mmhmm
[23:07] Raven: We are all so
[23:07] Stormy: Sorry to cut this short but I'm getting tired.
[23:07] Stormy: we must be enjoying the food.
[23:08] Raven: ok hon, thanks for joining us...
[23:08] Stormy: Your welcome Master.
[23:09] Stormy: Nice meeting you Madam Raven.
[23:09] Raven: Likewise
[23:09] Stormy: Good night Master Kaboom and Madam Raven.
[23:09] Kaboom Coba: bye Stormy
[23:09] Raven: goodnight hun
[23:12] Raven: So, 8 of the clan lives in this house...
[23:12] Kaboom Coba: yes
[23:13] Kaboom Coba: my 3 subs live here
[23:13] Kaboom Coba: my daughter celes, a pet, kitten, her brother, and his sub
[23:13] Raven: Sounds lovely...
[23:14] Raven: "a pet"?
[23:14] Kaboom Coba: yup..a baby dragon
[23:15] Kaboom Coba: this table has 6 different meals to rezz
[23:15] Raven: nice

I added our food supplies today, and placed them in our storage area. Got the items from Xstreet at 149.00 Lindens. Pretty good, in making the Mansion looked well occupied by us. We are settling in, and just setting our plans for June, and make Kitten and I, husband and wife in SL.

In Comes Luicfer, Out Goes Skorksis

I meet Luicfer the other day, Kitten’s older brother in RL. He has finally decided to join us in SL. Kitten helped him by choosing his name for him, “Luicfer” and handing him weapons. He also brought Baphomet avatar for himself from Abaddon at Xstreet, as we talked about skins. He came into SL well prepared as he has inquired about it previously, and seen pictures of me from Kitten. Glad to have him around, as he watches over Kitten in RL, now he watches over her in SL. But the current situation is, while he is in-world, Kitten will not be. They have to share a lap top until he gets his own.

Did I mention he wants to partner already? He did have a partner in mind, when I logged back in. Her name is “MommaBear.” But I feel he’s rushing himself into an unpleasant situation for being a newbie. I think he should explore SL, meet as many women as possible, or even play the field before settling down. Hell, that’s what I did for 3 months, until finally deciding to partner up, and ultimately having Kitten as my partner, and love in SL.

Then before Luicfer left that day, he decided to take MommaBear as his submissive, and hopefully they get to know each other, and if it works out, great for both of them. He has himself a partner to explore SL for the better. If not, well that’s part of the SL experience, as hurt happens.

Skorksis, finally contacted me after I summoned him to join Kitten and I the other night. He said, “I was sleeping.” I don’t pity the fool for being logged in-world, when they should be logged off, especially if there are expected to answer a summons call. Anyway, I teleported him to IE, and asked him if he was interested in quartering with us. A simple yes or no would have been a proper answer, but he asked who is staying there.

Then it became an interrogation on me, with a sword in hand, and an AO slapping on the other hand. He started demanding, and that he is my equal. I kid you not. He pissed me off! Demons do not run a democracy in a household, its totalitarian rule. It’s Absolute rule! My word is the rule of law, and expect everyone in my household not to question it, least he / she wants stern punishment.

Instead of me killing him on the spot where he stood, I decided to eject and ban him altogether. He would have soiled my Skybox Mansion with his blood, and no submissive was online at the time to clean the mess afterwards. It would have been me to clean after my own mess. I acted immediately to expel him from Hell‘s Angels, as I have “zero tolerance” for insubordination in my household, especially having to deal with an ex-partner from last month. I do consider myself a nice person.

I do ask nicely, like Theodore Roosevelt’s foreign policy “Speak softly, but carry a big stick.” Its how I carry myself when dealing with household, with the exception of Kitten, to which I seek her consultation and opinions. I also consider her my only equal in the household. The old saying, “Power behind the throne” which may be true, as she purchased my current throne for me.

"Be gone Skorksis, banished you forever from my sight. You trouble us no more." I think his attitude has something to do with the invocation ritual that went foul, when Kitten forgot to recite “the power that binds us” may have been a contributing factor. Does not matter at this point, from a regal dragon to a pauper from my household, tossed out as an unwanted hammer. Maybe someone else may pick him up, but be warned of a mind that is not settled or at peace with himself.

Under One Roof

Through the generosity of King Gavin and Queen Rhiannon, rulers of Indecent Exposure. I was given Lordship of Sky Mansion, a three story complex to house Kitten, myself, our pet, our submissives, and Kitten’s brother Luicfer (RL older brother). I am so grateful for their kindness. I was totally speechless, only to say “Thank You.“ with humility. I hope to return their sincerity with my steadfast loyalty and service to King and Queen.

I made plans to occupy the building as quickly as possible, and notified Kitten to gather our belongings. It did not take long to be at the entrance of this beautiful building, which is better suited for us. The walls are gothic, with a hint of evil presence about it. The lighting is minimal to subdued, yes “wonderful.” I demon’s family haven.

The ground floor is the main entrance, which I placed a glowing pentagram outside the walls to mark the entrance. It contains 4 submissive quarters, kitchen, food storage and arms, dinning area, and mustering area for my minions.

The second floor is where my throne chair, as Marque will be placed. I can talk directly below to address my minions of important events. And to watch them do about their daily activities of keeping the Mansion in dismal to bleak condition. Also, the second floor will contain sofas, bookshelves, and walls with framed pictures of myself and family.

The third floor is where the Master’s and Celes’s Bedroom are located, with the adjacent centuries old toiletry, and Shadow’s cage near the 3rd floor teleportors. That way, Shadow can immediately pounce upon intruders while we sleep at night. Yes, demons do slumber too. It’s when you are free from nightmares.

It is my hope we are given permanent stewardship of Sky Mansion, not that we deserve it. But for our contribution to the success of Indecent Exposure for the long term.

Celest's Bedroom

New Logo for Hell's Angels

Got a new logo late Saturday night, when I had Bella commissioned a design for me. She's one of the new dancers for IE, with a lot of talent with her. Not only does she design logos, but does profile pictures for avatars, since she has her own photography studio. Plus a “wedding planner” to add into her resume of activities.

The design I asked for was simple enough, with red and gray for the text, and some kind of hellish background for a BDSM group. It replaced a simple Red Rose texture, and previously a picture of Memory and I in a steam room, at Sexy Life Beach screwing.

I am satisfied with the design, so was Stormy and Stephie, as they were with me that day when I asked for their opinions. My first use of the logo was to inform the group of the logo change. I may again change the logo, but not for a long time.

Our official group hang-out is at Indecent Exposure, the sim is a BDSM adult region. Activities and dance events are posted on the Google Calendar of this blog's side bar links. All members have the ability to invite new members in the group. It's free to join our group. Interests of becoming a follower, and later as a Immortal Demon can IM me in-world, or send me a note card of you requesting to join the ranks of the infernals.

Hell's Angels of Kaboom Coba

Demon Animation Override

Creative Insanity is the only store that has Demon AO offered for sell, for both male and female avatars that I am aware. The early version (Devil AO) sells for $L350.00, while the new version sells for $L50 more. The male newer version contains the following items:

8 stands
1 walk
1 run
2 Fly (one for use with wings, another for use without wings)
1 Fly Up
1 Fly Down
2 Hover (one for use with wings, another for use without wings)
1 Jump
1 pre-jumping
1 land
1 Fall
1 Sit
1 Ground Sit
1 Crouch
1 Turn Left
1 Turn Right

All items listed above is copy / modify.

Trying out the animations in Jauary.
My red wings and flames not included with items.

To view Ruy Bury other created AO’s, just click on his name below the purchase button in Xstreet Market Place. And 6 pages of items from zombies to fairies and pixies, will be listed. If you stop by the store, you can see Neko furniture for sell there as well.

I was there in January, and originally brought five to six AO’s at $L40.00 each. I figured it was time to talk about it, since my conversation with Demon Lord Abaddon, when we talked about Demon AO’s. Demons skins are nothing without having the right animation that goes with them.

So, if you’re a serious demon /demoness player in SL, be sure to purchase your AO, as soon as possible, preferably right after your demon skin has been brought.
Creative Insanity Show Room

Where In The World Are My Friends?

My way of listing SL family and friends from their country of origin, and their names in alphabetical order. So it removes any preference determination from my part.

  • Celes, daughter
  • Cheyenne, follower, cousin
  • Stephie, follower
  • Azula, former concubine, friend
  • Saffrose, friend
  • Spenser, friend
  • Gaia, daughter
  • Gavin, King of Family Group
  • Mark, Immortal Elder, Liege, friend
  • Andrea, friend
  • Snoopy, friend
South Africa
  • Tusk, friend
  • Gote, friend
  • Kitten, wife
  • Luicfer, brother in-law
  • Shadow, pet

  • Blade, brother-in-law (Pinky)
  • Daynalyn, friend
  • Dixie, friend
  • Emily, submissive
  • Emmanuel, former concubine, friend
  • Hateful, sister
  • Heavenly, Evolution Vampire Liege, friend
  • Kaboom, Lord, Marques, Master
  • Katherine, submissive
  • Kira, friend
  • Memory, former concubine, friend
  • Otto, friend
  • Pacoima, friend
  • Pinky, sister
  • Raven, former concubine, friend
  • Rhiannon, Queen of Family Group
  • Seuss, friend
  • Starbreeze, former concubine, friend
  • Stormy, submissive
  • Torchie, friend
  • Utopia, friend
Friends from around the world.

Kitten and I

I saw Kitten yesterday, after speaking to her older brother in RL. We chatted about Kitten’s health, and mental condition. She is doing fine, and recovering. I only hope she can block out the negative events that happened in her life two days ago. As none of it, she does not deserved to be treated. Plus the poor legal system in Britain, from what I have been told, is rather aweful. Well, I say the same things here too in the U.S., and I’m a Paralegal, having to work within it.

I hugged and kissed, my wife Kitten. I missed her very much, since I’ve not been seeing her as often as I did earlier. And I wonder, if I am suffocating her. That maybe, she needs time for herself. I do hope she tells me personally, if she needs space, and just be alone by herself for awhile. But I’m rather protective of her, since she was attacked in SL, while visiting a store. I have zero tolerance to those that would attack members of my family, especially against my wife, and daughters in SL.

Kitten just wanted to resume her SL, and have fun. So, we went to IE, for the 12pm event, "Best in Punk." I though I had the date correct, but forgot Gote was scheduled for Saturday, and no DJ was there. With no DJ, attendees left. I fucked up. I then took Kitten to IE Estate, to our "Bedroom With A View."

I showed her the decorations I had placed, and welcomed her to improve, add, modify, or remove what I had placed there. She said, “Its all good. I like it.” And that’s a surprise to me, when she moves furniture around in our home, maybe every 2 to 3 weeks. Now that’s a housewife! What do you have for a girlfriend or wife in SL?

Soon, her big brother tells her they have to leave. She is spending the night at her mother’s home. She is getting a lot of attention from her family, which is good. And I’m glad they are watching after my Kitten in RL. We arranged for a certain time to meeet in my afternoon, to her morning time in London, which will be conveniant for both of us. I'm happy she is getting on with her SL and RL. I love you, my wife Kitten.

Red Eye Kingdom

Skull Heads, Salamanders (Nagas), Arachno, Necromancer, Goblins; Warhammer Avs, and Demons for both men and women. Two floors pack full of avatars and accessories. The last store, from a trio of stores that Kira had me interested in seeing.

The princes range from 700L to 2500L in choice of avatars. Lots of selections, with both sexes are displayed for those couples that want their avatars to pair up together. I spent an hour there, from the IM’s I received, to finding a right camera shoot, and browsing for myself, if anything looked good to add into my inventory.

There are some avatars, the had me thinking, “should I buy it.” I will probably go back and look around some more without the pressure, of covering it. I bet you didn’t want me to cover three stores in a row, without involving himself in SL, or did you?

The avatars that got me choosing, which to buy was between two Devil Lords; of Wrath and of Lust. The difference of 500L. I choose Lord of Lust, because he’s the Casanova of the demons. Always chasing after human females and demoness, plus he carries a sword in each hand. The only way to leave with your pants down, if cornered is to fight your way out. LOL. I can’t blame the guys to want to hack me to pieces, after humping their wives or girlfriends. But that was before, I found my dream love, and now wife Kitten. I settled on purchasing demon eyes, called "Burning Solar." It costs 75L, which is a good deal. Compared to when I first purchased my green eyes for 150L.

I was really looking for a demon AO, which I didn’t see one on display, or maybe I missed it. I have only been to one store that sold them. I need to go back and cover it sometime, later in my blog. It was in a Spanish simulation, with several stores that sold Na’vi Skins that had it for sell. And no, I don’t plan on covering the Na‘vis. I’m strictly a demon and dragon skins fanatic.

Stop by at Red Eye, if your in-world for a visit. You won't be disappointed from what I personally saw. And I never recommend any store, without a pre-arranged agreement. I just go, because I’m a shopper first for looking into best deals, and quality looking avatars.

Room With A View

Got a room at Indecent Exposure Estate, with a title as Marques. Courtesy of Queen Rhiannon and King Gavin, who also bestowed titles to Otto as Grand Duke, and Mistress Xania, as Baroness.

Xania is allowed to build on their land, and built the above mentioned skybox estate. It contains a master bedroom for the King and Queen, and two other bedrooms on the second floor. The rooms are huge with a high ceiling. Marlene, my Assistant Manager got a room for herself, staked her claim by placing a beautiful bed, and a few flower pots in the room.

I occupied the other for Kitten and myself, and immediately furnished it as well. I invited Azula over, and we talked while I continued to decorate the place. I was drinking soda and rum at the time, while she had coffee in hand, and in RL. She helped out by giving me additional furniture for the room. I appreciate Azula’s contribution in making the room for me and Kitten well furnished. All were freebies, with low prims, to cut down on lag. Thank you Azula.

Our bedroom contains the following furniture:
  • Grand 4 Post Bed
  • Fireplace
  • 3 Sofas (one for Shadow)
  • 3 Chairs
  • 2 Light Post
  • 2 Shields
  • 2 Swords
  • Wall Picture
  • Coffee Table
  • White Rug
  • Media Viewer
  • Cross Beam
  • BDSM Sex Device
The first floor rooms are just as large, and will contain a grand dinning area, large reception area with a bar, and the adjacent swimming pool. We have two autobots greeters at the front entrance, along with a watchful dragon statute posted at the front lawn. Gavin later placed a tresspass barrier on the roof, preventing non-members from sitting foot on the place.

Looks like were going into royalty titles, besides, Masters, Mistress, Doms, Submissives, and Slaves. Is SL wonderful or not? Now to surprise Kitten, if I can.


Walking The Pet

I and Shadow went to Kitsch. There I let her roam around, but she stayed mostly close by to comfort me. She and I know all is not well with my wife Kitten in RL. I care not to discuss it, as its too personal. But I’m mad as Hell, for the trouble someone is giving her. And I’m helpless to do anything about it, along with Azula, and Chey. Only that, we are all supporting her, and hope her family in RL helps her out.

I just stayed on one spot, and didn’t bother to move much. I thought about Kitten, and could not really sleep much. It’s around midnight to 3 a.m. my time, when we have time together. Kitten won’t be in-world for awhile, until things are resolved in RL. I have to be patient, because its all I can do.

So, I took some pictures. Especially my new eyes, which I got from Red Eye Kingdom. “Burning Solar” is the name of the item, and that’s what I feel and see right now. I also took pictures of Shadow. But she got curious of what I was doing, and sniffed at my camera lens. Lucky for me, she didn’t try to bite at the camera. She behaved herself nicely at the beach. Good girl. Shadow had to leave for RL.

Chey and Azula, came by later to join me. We chatted and supported each other, with our concerns for Kitten’s well being. Chey gave me a hug, and left. Azula gave me a peck on the cheek, and left. I looked at the Sun set for a few more minutes, and then logged off.

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