New Wife - My Lovely Kitten

My Vows to you.

We share our thoughts…
We comfort to hold…
We support each other…

May our life together in SL blossom
Given with Tender Loving Care.
It is nurtured with daily love, like water.
Fed with desire, like sunshine.
Raked clean with understanding and respect.
Trimmed with compassion, to allow growth.

Neglect one, it suffers, withers, and dies.

I promise to cherish and honor you
Seeking no other woman in SL.
Placing you on a pedestal.
I shall be forever yours...
You are my wife.

I love you my dear lovely, Kitten.

Kitten's Vows to me;

Many people spend their lives searching for their soul mate, their one true love. Some people are lucky to find the person they can truly call the better half of themselves, while others spend the rest of their lives searching and never finding. I am happy to count myself among the lucky ones, because I certainly found you.


I love you, Kaboom Coba.

I know that you are the only one for me, my one true love.
I am happy and I am grateful that you came into my life, that where others have spent their entire lives looking for the one.
I have found you. And now that I have found you, I shall never let you go. I promise you, Kaboom Coba that I shall hold you and cherish you and give you my heart, that I shall support you and care for you.
Faithfully, I shall always stand steadfast at your side with your hand in mine, regardless of what life would bring to us. I take you now as my husband, and I shall remain so for the rest of my life.


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