Devil's Advocate - The Legal System

If you have not heard or not read, Second Life - Linden Lab was dragged into court on intellectual property rights. Follow the link provided to read what the case was about. And be wary of avatars claiming to be attorneys in SL, which is a violation of practicing to be an attorney without a license. Unless, he / she is a member in good standing, and verified their real name with the ABA.

"Vanity is definitely my favorite sin." - Al Pacino - Avatars, attorneys in new world of virtual law

Of course, it's difficult to know whether someone who represents himself as an attorney in Second Life is a real lawyer or not - avatars don't have to use a person's real name. Real-life attorneys warn that practicing law in Second Life would risk violating all kinds of regulations, such as attorney-client privilege.

I myself am a Paralegal, with knowledge in Family, and Entertainment laws. And self study in Tort and Employment Laws for the state of California. I can only discuss law on a academic level, not on the premise of developing a client relationship with anyone. I can use the law to file for my own cases, as in In Pro Per, and use tools like West Law to search old records, and compare cases.

I personally love the study of law, as it has power penned in text on a piece of paper. It directs how the population is governed, changing society's morals and values, and planting new ideas, or distorting it in the minds of each individuals.

Outside of academics, court buildings intimidates every person that passes through its halls. Maybe, its the officers that work there, the many suits you see there, or the out come of your case may go against you.

If you need help with SL legal issues, search for an attorney in your local community, and a member of the local bar association. They usually have a 30 minutes of free consultation that is given, and assessing you and your case, if your worth the trouble for them.

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