Goodbye from Ariel

After having a Skype conversation with Kaboom last night I realized this has gone too far. Although I "love" Kaboom, I can never be with him in real life. His feelings for me have become too real. He asked me last night that "IF" I were ever to become widowed or divorced would I consider marrying him in real life or having a real life relationship with him. For me, red flags came up. Oh no, this is bad, very very bad. Yes, I love you Kaboom, but for reasons I can't get into with you, a real life relationship can't be. Therefore I am ending Ariel Markenly because I do not want you to continue to have your feelings grow for me. This hurts me as well as it hurts you because I do love you so much and I'm going to miss you something horrible. When our relationship crossed that line from simple fun cyber sex into real life love, I knew that a line had been crossed that is dangerous and we could not go backwards so I must end this now. Please know I never wanted to hurt you. I love you so much Kaboom, but it is time to say good-bye. I wish you all the best in both real life and your Second Life.

I have deleted both Ariel Markenly and Pat Simsider avatars. I have created a new avatar and will continue my life in Second Life. I have deleted my Skype account. I also deleted my email account for Ariel Markenly.

I will continue to blog in this blog. I will leave this blog up for a few days and then I will change the URL and blog name and remove all from my follower's list. Those who know me in my new alt then can follow this blog under the new name and new URL and will be able to find this blog again by going to my new avatar and looking at the web tab on my profile.

I wish every one all the best in both real life and Second Life and hope those who have loyally followed me will find their way to my blog once I have made the changes. I also look forward to renewing old friendships that I had as Ariel in my new avatar and look forward to meeting new and exciting people in my new Second Life.

With my move to a new city in real life and having a fresh start, I think this is a good time to also start fresh with a new life in Second Life.
Farewell Kaboom and everyone.
Ariel's farewell letter to me. SL is a tough world for lovers. You have been warned.

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