All was good, but God wanted more, so God created man, in his own image. And place him upon the earth, so that man may worship God. The Word of God, called upon all the creatures to view man, the guardian of Earth and be given a name. Man set about naming all the creatures of the Earth, that dwell in the air, land, and sea.
After finding no suitable beast for man, God placed man in a deep sleep, and took a bone out of his rib, and created woman. God saw what he created is beautiful, and awaken man, and man saw woman, he named her Eve. Eve in turn named man, calling him Adam. Love of the heart and of the soul was born.
They made love in the Garden of Eden, as God watched over them, God said, “Be fruitful and multiple, and cover the face of the Earth with your kind.” God was very pleased, with man and woman, they be husband and wife, and as a couple to worship God and glorify his Name and Words forever.
Lucifer, the strongest and wises among God's Angels, became envious and prideful of man. "Why would God create mankind? Are we not worthy of his Grace?" Lucifer wanted equality with God, and the destruction of Adam and Eve. God, not wanting to hear the grievances of Lucifer, commanded him to silence and not speak of it no more. Lucifer obeyed the Word of God, and left with treachery in his spirit and mind.
Lucifer, not content and breaking his vows to God, called for his followers. A grand council was gathered and questioned the authority of God over his creation, the Angels of all the Heavens, with authority and power, to govern the universe. And more important the bestowment of Free Will, and Consent to one another, given by God.
Lucifer's betrayal was discovered, and summoned before God, to answer to his treason against the All Mighty. But Lucifer disobeyed, and left to gather his forces. He returned commanding Legions of Angels to follow him, to over-throw God, and take the Kingdom of Heaven by force.
God created Hell, and cast Lucifer and his minions under the bowels of the Earth. Word of God transformed them into hideous creatures, setting them apart from the Angels of the Heavens, and to punish them for their betrayal.
"Better to reign in Hell, than to serve in Heaven."
- Lucifer, talking to his minions after being defeated.
John Milton, Paradise Lost
Adam, was told of the battle that was fought in Heaven, and future battles that will be fought over for the corruption of man and the prize of his soul. And battles of destruction raging between Heaven and Hell. Adam was warned to be on his guard of Lucifer by Michael, a former close friend to Lucifer. Adam, was also informed of the deformed state of the Fallen Angels; he called them Demons, and renamed Lucifer to Satan; the Devil, Ruler of Hell.
The battle rages on to this day, for the Souls of Mankind, of Free Will, and to worship within the heart, soul, and mind of each person to accept God or betray him to Satan.