Demon Rage

I was very pissed off yesterday at Coral Bay, for the dismal attendance there. I wanted to physically remove spines out, and hold it in my hands. And I wanted to boot out everyone that has not showed up at least once in the club rooster within a month. I want bodies on the "dance floor" and you to have a great time with us. No fucking couch potatoes or loiters in the club. You are either a hard-core FAN-antic for us or loser in limbo land.

No people, and staff stops coming. And a cycle of poor attendance begins on both sides, affecting my income. I'm selfish I know, I'm a demon, and I love the greed for lindens I make there. So low attendance, is causing my work place to go on financial stress. And I took a voluntary waiver of getting paid weekly, until the club improves.

Worst, I have to start whipping my dancers and Djs to still commit to the hours, they promised to work with us. And it can get nasty, which I don’t want to happen. Because most of the staff that work with me are my friends also. Which I worked hard to bring them to the club, and its becoming critical for management, as we figure a way to draw up attendance.

I am working to help contribute to improve the place, by aggressively always looking to add new members, and party with us. And so are my bosses Biggins and Stormskye. One main problem is lag, which is in my general opinion an in-world distribution of this monster. They are deciding on putting the club above the water line, and next to the docks. Giving the mall easy access as well. I hope it works, but either way I support the women’s decision of what they have to do to save the club. Which I am fiercely dedicated to Biggins and Stormskye, as my employers.

So, to help you understand how I feel as to what “demon rage” is about, watch the video. I hope is scares the Hell in you. And this Demon Attack link also. Watch the TV as it turns on, and you will see a face.

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