Hell-o Slave

My sub logged in world and I summoned for her to join us. Shadow was there keeping me company, as well as Aryla in human form.  It seemed Blissful took a quick shower in RL, as she informs me. Probably lasting for 5 minutes or so. While I waited, and wondered what kept her long, Arlya and I chatted, and she changed back into demon form. Blissful finally showed up in blue silks, and asked her to tell us a story, so she can entertain Arlya and I. As Shadow laid on the ground, having her dragon's sleep.

I had Blissful sit on the ground in Nadu position, at the edage of the white rug, to start her story. With I and Arlya listening on;

There was once a simple slave girl, she was beautiful and fair. She was gathering nuts and berries for her Master’s meal. She saw a splash of red in a bush, thought it was berries. But to her surprise it was blood. She saw that the blood trailed, and followed it. To her surprise she found a wounded Warrior.

He was gravely injured. She thought he would surely die. He looked up at her, with the saddest blue eyes she ever saw. She knew that she took a risk being alone with a unknown man. She tended his wounds in secret. He grew stronger and stronger.

One day while tending to his wounds. He looked her in the eyes, and she knew then that he would have her no matter what the cost. But she was slave, she belonged to another. He took her and furred her in the grass. With great ecstasy she became his.

Even though she wore another man's collar She did not return to her Master's home. The Master looked for her, but could not find her. He grieved and wailed thinking that his beloved slave was dead. But instead she had ran off with the warrior and lived the live of a free champion, though she was a run away.

Several years had past, she had forgotten her slave past and really thought she was free. She still bore the brand of a slave, but had since faded.

While in the market area, in a far away distant land. She saw her old Master. She was frightened at first, but he was kind and understanding. She told him of her happiness, he listened and smiled gently at her, and the child in her arms. He invited her family to his home to celebrate her happiness and good life. The old Master put them in his carriage and took them home. The old Master meet the Warrior and they became great friends.

One day while dining at the old Master’s home, the Warrior became very sleepy and requested a fur to sleep on. He laid down to sleep. His breathing became heavy at first then shallow and stopped all together. The old Master turned to his former slave, and looked at her with sadness in his eyes. As he watched her fall into the same deep slumber, "Good night slave," he said softly. She looked up at him, and said, "Good night my Master." as he held her in his arms. Her breathing became heavy, then shallow, then no more. The old Master wiped and cried a thousand tears. He took the sleeping child in his arms, and said "Hello slave. I will name you Blissful."

"What a beautiful story." as Arlya leaned onto me. "And a sad one." as I held Aryla in my arms. "Yes Master, its the story of me. My old Master has since died years ago. I was owned by a warrior. I lived with him until he died  in battle." "I see." "Even though I am free, every male I have meet, can sense I was a slave. I lived alone for awhile." "And how did you became a demon?" "I meet Goonkie one day. He turned me into a vampire, and I eventually became a demon. Will my Master visit my home?" "Yes. I will." "And will you Mark me Master." "Yes. I will soil you."

Arlya crashed as I was chatting with Blissful. Gave me the opportunity to visit my sub's home, while I was free. She teleported me at the top of her private castle, over looking the surrounding area. She plans on changing to a new location in 30 days time. "Would my Master be interested in a tour?" "Yes. That would be wonderful dear." She gave me a tour, as we walked from room to room, I looked at her lustfully. I saw she has a wonderful taste for the decorations that is laid out in her castle. And I especially took to the liking of the wall paintings, hanging on her bedroom walls.

We eventually found our way deep down into the dungeon. She sat under a water pump, and splashed water onto herself, as I looked on. And she directed me to her own white rug. She got up soaking wet, and her and I started having fun. She tells me she enjoys mild violence directed at her, and that it excites her. I quickly found poses to suit her needs, as we sat on the pose balls. She seems petite, but as you can see, she knows how to give a pounding of her own, as she repeatedly hit my face and body.

My head finally got the better of her, as I helped myself between her creamy thighs, as she was still soaking wet. And her juices flowing freely from her vagina, meeting to be lapped up by my hungry demon tongue. She started moaning for me.

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