US Group Summary Meeting

Quorum of 3, Attendees; Kaboom, Elizzabeth, Memory, BJ, Kia. Absent; Jae

Our meeting today was focused on the following agenda items:

Time Zones, Recruitment, Role Play, Sim Down (Peridot Island) & New Locations, Merger with Dragons of the Night; Discussion Only.

Time Zones: Our US Group is to cover North and South America, Australia, China and the Far East. And the time to be held at 1pm SLT, followed at the role play at 3pm SLT.

Enoch, Arlya, Lake, and Midolee are to cover Europe, Africa, Russia, and India. They are to have their own time and date. Have two meetings a month, and a quorum of two, with the chair Enoch to be present, plus another of the three from Europe.

Both groups are to exchange minutes for review, and can adopt or add to their agenda items, if they see a need for it. It was the only item voted upon, and passed unanimously.

Recruitment: Our goal is 100 family members and currently at 83 as of this posting. I have been asked by Elizzabeth, to make a new notice. Who is responsible for the invites, what we are looking for, and have a minimum of 30 age days, which is preferred, but need not be, based on prior game play experience.

All officers are responsible of bringing new family members into the group, aside from their prim duty to stomp out drama, and their added secondary duty that rotates once a month.

Role Play: Which will be held every Sunday, at 3pm SLT after the officers meeting from today. The Demon Court is to preside and administer punishments to human slaves, or any other role play provided at that time. Punishment is by the mood and discretion of the court. And will be carried out by the Whip Masters that are present, to inflict the punishments ordered by the court.

The Seven Deadly Sins for Humans will be used to weight the wages of sin that has been committed by a human.. Hubris/Vanity, Greed, Lust, Gluttony, Anger, Envy, Sloth

Sim Down (Peridot Island) New Location: We decided to wait for a week since Thursday, on leaving Peridot Island. This gives us plenty of time to look around for a sim to host our demon family group. But I think Abbey Island will make a good permanent home. That’s my own personal opinion, so we will wait what happens by this Thursday.

Merger Discussion Only: Princess and I have previously talked about making our families into one group. She favors it, as well as I do. But there are issues that needs to be addressed.

Will we become another bloodlines group?
Will our family identity as a demon family group be lost?
What will become of our officers?

Those questions are good, and that really depends how many members will want to commit to this new family. I was thinking of being one family with two branches. One for the dark and evil characters, and one for the corrupted humans.

We do stand to gain a sim, as they have one in place. It will answer our need to find a permanent sim, and I can't see no other reason of what we may lose.

All I can do now is hand out landmarks for our family to pay their sim a visit, and to get a tag from Princess. We have already merged to a degree, with my adopted daughter being from Dragons. What I need to do is offer Princess a chair in our leadership, in the hope she will do the same for my officers.

Mergers can also be a problem, as Elizzabeth has pointed out. But will see, as I am optimistic in being a larger family group of active players.

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