Still Playing...Geometry Wars

This game is freaking impossible. My personal best going into this was 340,000ish and after three nights of playing for two hours straight I haven't even beaten that.

I started looking into strategies online, and every guide is pretty consistent about the strategy of continuously flying in a circle around the board. I had honestly never played like this before - I would usually just kind of fly around and tried my best to avoid enemies. When I tried this new style, the game felt completely different - like a completely new game, and I actually found it harder. But - I can see how it's a necessary play style if I want to get to a million points.

When comparing it to Geometry Wars 2, I found that the enemies in Geo Wars 1 spawn much more randomly. And if they spawn right on top of you, you have about 1/4 of a second to react and get away. A lot of times, because I'm flying in a perpetual circle, I fly right into a spawned enemy that came up at just the right time. It feels completely cheap. As opposed to Geo Wars 2 where enemy patterns are much more predictable.

I honestly don't know if I'm gonna be able to do this one. I'll try a few more times, but this may be the first game I give up on...

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