Check it Out: a boy and his blob

I realize I didn't do a great job in my last post of explaining what a boy and his blob was like. To put it into an obligatory category, I suppose it would fall into the distinction of platform puzzler. You are generally trying to get from left to right, but there are always multiple and varied obstacles in your way. To overcome them, you give your blob different jellybeans which transform him into helpful tools. Black jellybeans turn him into a ladder, orange turn him into a trampoline, yellow - an anvil and so on. Sometimes, the solutions are obvious, while other times they're fairly obtuse and you could spend 5-10 minutes just staring at the screen and cycling through your different jellybeans.

Many people have memories of the old A Boy and His Blob for the NES. That game looked like this:

And while it may be true that if you've played the old one, you would have a good idea of what the new one is like - the new one is so much more elegant and enjoyable to play. In the old version, you explored a continuous world trying to collect treasure and stuff. The new one is a series of short, bite sized levels that lets you chart your progress much more easily. The old one also had the issue of limited jellybeans which meant when you ran out, you were screwed until you found more. The new one gives you unlimited jellybeans to allow for experimentation and exploration.

All of this talk still doesn't compare to seeing the game in action. Many of the reviews compared it to looking like a Saturday morning cartoon, and they couldn't be more spot on. Here. Set your eyes to "feast".

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