Settling in at the Riverside Hilton

Let me introduce myself - I am Becky Smith, Tricia and Scott's assigned blog writer. It is indeed a pleasure to share the Arthur Adventure to you. Tricia has settled in at Riverside in a comfortable single room (4218) with several amenities - tv,vcr,dvd, refrigerator, walk-in shower, adjustable bed and baby moniters. I met Dr. Fox, high risk doctor, today and thanked him for taking such great care of our Tricia. He shared how much he enjoys Tricia. (That's why our sweet pea's middle name is "JOY.") All monitorings are good for all, contractions have lightened yet Dr. Paul felt it would be wise to have Tricia settle in for the duration. She has first class nurses, technicians, room service and tech support. When I left, Nurse Nicole was working on her wireless laptop connection. I think phone calls are the better bet at this time - 614- 544- 7640.

As I sat with Tricia today, I took a visual tour around her room. I thought I'd share with you what I saw - her Bible next to her bed, her journal and "Double Duty" on her tray along with a 2 qt container of water, a stack of dvds and cd's, and two hand crocheted baby blankets. The beautiful baby blankets which Tricia's mother made are waiting the arrival of Duncan and Jackson.

Continue to hold the Arthur's and Johnson's in your prayers as we are thankful for reaching week 34!

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