Duncan Rann Arthur- Our Warrior

I wanted to update you on Tricia and Scott's trip to Children's Hospital. Duncan Rann Arthur arrived at 7:39 pm on Saturday, June 2 at the exact same weight as his 12 minute older twin brother - 4 lbs and 13 oz. They are twins you know and they are the Arthur Twins!

They transported Duncan to Children's last night and Scott followed. He stayed until about 2:30 am and Grandma Decker arrived this morning. She was permited to gave him love by placing her hands on him for over 3 hours. When Tricia and Scott arrived at Children's they received a good report. Duncan is doing exceptional well. In fact, the staff says he is the best HLHS baby they have seen. The respirator was taken off around 3 pm since his O2 levels were at 100%. They will continue to monitor his lungs to prevent fluid buildup. Surgery is usually 3 - 7 days after birth. Either Monday or Tuesday the medical staff will determine the surgery date.

Once they took the respirator off, Tricia and Scott were able to hold their warrior. A picture will be forth coming.

God's blessings continue to unfold.

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