Cath went well today

The catheterization procedure I mentioned in a previous entry got moved up to today. It was initally scheduled for tomorrow (Saturday), but last night (Thursday) Duncan's breathing became more rapid than the doctors were comfortable with. This development, accompanied by two big spit ups (previous to the increased respitory rates, he had been tolerating the tube feeding well), led them to move Duncan BACK to the cardiac ICU last night for closer monitoring AND rescheduled the cath for today, as opposed to tomorrow. In theory, widening the hole in the atrium septum (the goal achieved from the cath) will help his breathing become more comfortable.

SOOOOOO... we dropped Jackson off to Grandma and Poppy's house today and headed to Children's for a long day. Nancy was giving Duncan precious love in the morning... so she passed him off to me for some quality time before we made the walk to the cath lab. He entered for anesthesia around 2:00pm and we were informed all went well around 4:00pm. Dr. Cheatham met us in the family waiting room afterwards to explain the results - everything looked good! Then, Ricci, Diane, Scott and I met Duncan back in the cardiac ICU. I expected to see him rather groggy (his condition after the surgery), but instead he was bright eyed! He looked awesome... not needing more ventilation and not looking drugged. His breathing was still a bit fast, but the cardiologist explained his physiology needed more time to adjust to the procedure. The hope is that we will see a positive change over the next few days.

I will keep you posted!

PS. Tomorrow our boys are 4 weeks old! A month already... hard to believe!

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