Fun News

Far Left: Jackson in his cute bouncy seat - THANKS Grandmom and Grandad!

Left: Mommy and Jackson reading their first book together
Below: Daddy and Jackson taking a cat nap on the couch
Duncan: Bright eyed and bushy tailed!
Tricia here...
Lots of news to share.

Yesterday was a BIG day... Jackson got discharged from the hospital and met his home as well as his sister: Lilly the kitty. It has been AWESOME having him home.

Also, yesterday was huge, because our surgeon for Duncan's surgeries, Dr. G, returned to Columbus from his trip to Moscow. This, as you can imagine, was a big-time relief for Scott and I. We were a bit on edge knowing he was out of the US! The surgery is still slated for tomorrow morning, although we will not know the exact time until later today.

Also, Duncan's nurse yesterday allowed me to hold him ( Lynette, Scott's Mom, hung out with Jackson at home while we visited Duncan - Amy Avery from church popped by and got to babysit too!)! It had been last Sunday since I had held that precious bundle in my arms (different nurses feel less comfortable transporting him from the crib to someone's arms - so many tubes and wires and risk... but this one - Terry was her name - so believed in the power of the parents' touch, that she did us a favor!). It was WONDERFUL. And I mean to tell you, those two look alike for sure. The only difference Scott and I have picked up on is Duncan's chin dimple. Jackson's is much less prominent. You'll have to see for yourselves!

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