Saddle Up

It was nice for my pet dragon; Shadow to spend time with me and Kitten today. As she mostly spends her time with Morgana (10 Lashes). And Shadow brought her mate Kren with her too, as he spent some time with us.. I have not seen him for a long time. And glad they are still paired together. Having my pet dragon around, is like having your pet dog keeping you company by your feet. Your dog sits obediently and licks your hand now and then. More importantly, to guard your life. It's how I feel about Shadow. That she is there to protect me, but I don't think I need protection when it comes to women around me.

While she was there, I made some "egg" jokes. She is expecting to lay eggs soon. And I want her to give me one or two of them. Think of dragon eggs slightly bigger than an ostrich's egg, or about the same size as a dinosaur eggs. I'm thinking of having hard boiled eggs, scrambled eggs, or one giant omelets. Imagine that with dragon eggs. This is possible in SL. (Laughs) Only way to get a dragon's attention, is to joke about using her eggs for a meal. Anyway, she is a good pet. Despite her growling at me during my jokes in regards to her eggs.

Besides the eggs that are due, she showed me her new saddle. It can seat three riders now. Before it was just me. And the last time I rode her, was when we lived over Indecent Exposure. We flew right up to Ms Rhiannon, outside her window. I think we surprised her, to the point she ducked under the table. (Laughs) I missed her as a friend and her hospitality she showed me for allowing my family to live over her Sim. I can surely return her the same favor now at Hell Hole.

I got to saddle up with her, as did Memory, and Fauster. It took me awhile to steer my dragon, since I was out of practice. But she told me what to do, as I held the reins of her head harness. But it was hard to move in a cramp space on the dungeon. So we teleported on the land below our Sim. There is was better, as I was able to control her movements. Then later I flew Shadow up above the land and into the clouds. This time only I and Fauster was on her back. Memory left to do something in SL, or logged. The ride on her back lasted for fifth-teen to twenty minutes. A wonderful ride it was. Kitten had to decline, as she is making sure not to excite herself. Riding on Shadow's back, would have made the baby kick her tummy. And that would have been agony for her.

I have got to ride Shadow more, now with her new better looking saddle. It's time to "saddle up" with a demon on her back with a flaming sword in hand. A scary awesome sight that would be.

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