Group Name Change

Today was the last meeting for this year. No meetings will be held for the months of November and December. As I respect the up coming holidays and the various religions in the group worshiped by family members, despite as being demons and possessed human avatars.

Those present among officers were Kitten, Memory, BJ, and Cors. Absent were Enoch, Kristy, and Dream. Family members present; Blanket, Lorinda, Tasty, Roast, and Emi. Meeting opened at 1:05pm. Memory second it.

But today was special. Since the day, I created Hell's Angels of KC. I knew I will eventually change it, and today it was the main issue. We voted to change the name, by among the council members, instead of allowing it for group vote. By doing this today, we did not have to set up a proposal and wait for the result in a week.

The new names suggested for the new group were; God's Demons (based on a novel), Demons of the Apox (Apocalypse), Devil's Angels, Twisted Demons, and many more. But narrowed it down to three names; Demons of the Apox, Demonic Angels, and Devil's Angels.

When the votes were counted; Demons of the Apox 1, Devil's Angels 0, Demonic Angels 4. I abstain from voting since it was not necessary. I immediately tried to make the new group name, but could not since a pop up box informed me a group is already called by that name. Well...I did search in world, if the name was taken, and it was not earlier. So being creative that I am, changed the name we voted and approved to Demonic Sadist Angels. And that allowed me to create the new group name.

With the change, I had Kitten and Memory to help make notices, announce in group chat, and others to get the word out. By the time I left today, there were fifth-teen that had gone over and with little problems. Just asked for everyone to make sure of the titles and abilities in the group are enabled. The new logo is already being designed with a few proofs to be presented in two days.

Other agenda items were; downsizing the Sim by BJ's proposal and a club with it. I was against it, since I just had the new lair made. And not interested of spending lindens for a new lair that will be half the size of what we have now. Managing a club can be a headache and time consuming. As a former host, I know the pros and cons of administering one. Blanket brought up creating an in-house demon army. I said, "I'm not against it, but ask around and see if there is an interests for one." I tabled it for next year's agenda.

One other thing that was important today. Is when I asked the current Whip Masters to vote on Kat to become an officer for the family. I would have given Kat to speak front and center, but was attending a coronation in another family group. In her behalf, I simply asked, "What reasons would you think Kat should not be a Whip Master?" None could not think of any, and they approved her to join the ranks of leadership in charge of Dolcet events.

Kitten was helpful to copy paste the meeting as the secretary. I did not ask her, because she was injured in real life two days ago. Two men and a woman committed battery against her and her police dog. Dog was muzzled at the time, while off duty and could not help defend Kitten. This has affected my own mental health for my concerns for her. I'm just glad she is recovering at home, while her brother watches over her for now.

Other than that, we had a great meeting. And the next meeting is scheduled for January 2012. Actual day pending.

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