Today, I got to gave away two pets. A female and male, both are relatively new to SL. Harley with 83 and Beth with 33 days. They came on the Sim, when I and a few others gathered around the stripper dance pole at the other end of the dungeon.
I saw them walking about the castle on my radar. Did not know if they are family, after having new people join the family every other day. I greeted them from long distance, by shouting out loud. Beth replied, "Hi." I was not in a hurry to see them, thinking they are family. But family members usually joins us in a group, so that raised my suspicion that they were not after ten minutes on the Sim.
I started to look for them, to see what they were up to, for any good or bad things on the Sim. I found Beth on BJ's dance pad in the party room. There I chatted with her for a bit, and welcomed them to "Hell Hole." And if they needed help, or just exploring the castle. Beth tells me her former Master found my Sim and gave her the land mark.
Soon, I meet up with her when she entered the pet cage, near the branding pit. She was AFK for awhile, when we continued our conversation. I got interrupted as always in IM's with others. As it turns out, she is looking for a Master, and be trained on how to do better role plays. I told her she came to the right place. I asked Kat, if she was willing to train a new pet with 33 days in SL. And she agreed, when I informed her in IM. She was with the group by the dance pole, during our short chat.
Kitten brought up in the conversation, her brother Luicfer is looking for a pet, as he has none at the moment. I decided to hand over Beth to Luicfer, while Kat trains her the basics skills of a pet during this week. I admitted her to the family, and also got her friend, former Master Harley to join us. He is the one who introduced Beth to SL.
Beth has her AO and collar, as I got to know and ask questions of her limits. She is no confinement, no child play, and no dismemberment. It's very important to know these things about a pet. The only way to get their loyalty to you, is to respect the person behind the avatar.
I got her to rewrite her profile, that she is being trained and I am a temporary Master, under my protection.
Later, I gave Harley to Toxic. I owe her a pet, since Nathan changed his mind of being her personal pet. Its not me to cause drama, but apparently I did two days ago. I had Nathan dance and entertain Memory, while she went to get her diner. I logged out right after that night. I found out the next day, that Nathan refused to listen to Toxic's commands. And some how caused a rift between her and him. This time, to clear any miscommunication, I told Harley, "Listen to Toxic, and only her while here. Unless she tells you differently."
I am glad I made it up to Toxic, and help my brother in law Luicfer get a lovely pet.
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