This Month's Meeting

We held our usual once a month meeting for the council. I, my pet Lorinda, BJ, her partner Cors, and Kristy were present. The meeting was held open for the family to attend, to get new ideas from members.

Kitten later joined us, as she is feeling better today compared the day before when she got food poisoning from a restaurant. She filed a complaint with the health department, where she resides in the UK. Her Boss is making sure it gets followed up.

We talked about old and new business. On the agenda, we talked about toys for the group to use, pets for branding with group and private marks, and voted to make Kristy as a new Whip Master in charge of "pet training." One of her goal is to set up a "training school" and to help pets with issues. I hope to see more activities with that going on at Hell Hole.

We placed our online status today, for the officers to be contacted, if they see us in-world by looking at the picture with underneath it as being "online" or "offline." People can leave us a note card for rental questions or other general information they may need. Still have rooms to rent, "Care to rent a room at Hell Hole?"

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