Dead Man

Yesterday, Kitten told me about this guy from Turkey who was bothering her. She sent me a note card copy of her conversations they had.. She did everything right, to tell him she is partnered with me, along with Memory. But still he bothered her. When she logged back in, we planned a surprise. I told her to teleport his ass to our Sim, so I can kill him. Its better than ejecting someone. Toxic was present too, and she beat Kitten by teleporting the man over. I got my sniper rifle ready, aimed at the direction Toxic told me of his arrival..

I fired the moment he showed up, but he did not die. I forgot to enable the damage icon for the heart, and quickly placed it "on" for the Sim. While I was doing that, you think the man would poof out of there, but he stayed on. Apparently, still liked to hit on Kitten. Again, I fired at him, and still he's right in front of me. I was wondering, what I was doing wrong. Lorinda my pet showed up. I quickly asked her to lock and load her weapon she had in her inventory to kill the guy. She she shoot at him several times. But still no damaged was done to him. Then I looked at my tag, no wonder. I was wearing the wrong one. I quickly placed the right tag on me, with damaged enabled. I fired at him, causing him to start running around to prevent damage. I took several shoots, when I finally got him on the upper floor of the open courtyard. Poof! He's dead...Toxic..Lorinda laughed the whole time in local chat, while I fired at him.

Kitten took off...and did not see me kill him. She was on stand-by for work. She informed me of it earlier, and would have to leave without notice. Luicfer her real life brother come on in world to join her. He tried also to kill him earlier, but was unable, until I finally figured out my settings. Too bad...should have been Zuri too...the cunt deserves it.

Anyway, I have damaged enabled now. This allows my officers to have fun, while I'm not around.

Today, I found out Toxic took Del (the guy that harassed Kitten) as her play toy. I have no issues with that. This time, Kitten got to kill him herself. After I set her up the ability to kill people on the Sim. Hey, I need to share the fun too! So..Kitten got to kill him, and by accident Toxic. Hey, it was all in good fun. (Laughs)

Toxic is her real life room mate, and she refers to Kitten as a sister she never had. They are very close good friends. I'm glad Kitten brought in support for herself, with a friend playing her son, Toxic her room mate, and Luicfer her brother. She has brothers, so don't count out having two more join her in world. The more family the better, right?

I mentioned about going to the UK possibly this December to visit her. I have a passport, only need to renew it. I asked about maybe staying on for a year or two with her. I don't know yet, until I have my passport and airfare for London ready. So we will see...where this goes.

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