Evil Spirit(s)

Samuel 16:14-15 "But the Spirit of the LORD departed from Saul, and an evil spirit from the LORD troubled him. And Saul's servants said unto him, Behold now, an evil spirit from God troubleth thee."

The above Bible verse trouble a lot of Christians when they read it, or is mentioned by their pastors. I don't blame them, when most Christians believe God to be an omnipotent father being, and caring of his people. So why did God sent an evil spirit to torment King Saul? That my friend you need to read the Bible for yourself.

I am covering the part, I play a demon avatar in SL. There is Real Evil out and about in this world. And most of it is passive action, and nothing to do with the devil. Guess who is doing the evil?

The same is true in SL, where most of the deceitful, plain sight actions, and lies come from avatars wearing human skins. As a demon avatar, other avatar in world will expect nothing more from me as a cunning backstabbing evil persona, with occasions of causing drama.

Just my very appearance as a demon really does trouble some avatars. There are Coptic Christians groups in world, who don't want my presence on their Sim, or around them. I have been ejected just on sight of stepping on their public Sim.

My sole purpose as a demon avatar is make people aware of the real evil, when they return to real life. And evil is defined by each individual person, not just what the Bible lists to what they are. While at the same time having fun as a demon would normally do in SL; being wicked in a controlled virtual world. Just my thoughts for today..

And I hope that God does not send an "evil spirit(s)" to you that may torment or afflict you mentally.

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