Incredible. It looks just like the game! |
Aw Snap. Now that Portal 2 is done, I’m back on track to take out my original backlog, and that leads me back to Megaman 2.
The challenge posed by these games seems completely insurmountable on the initial playthrough. Just like the first one, there are devilishly devious traps and challenges to get through, but thanks to the miracle of infinite continues, you can practice over and over until you get it right. And the feeling of accomplishment when you beat a level is what gaming is all about. Plus, there's this incredible song toward the end of the game.
I’ve also resolved (again) to avoid cheating. Not only did I cheat on the last boss of Megaman 1, I also looked up the proper order in which to tackle the levels. No more. I’m doin Mega Man 2 for realz.
I’m actually almost done with this thing. One level to go until Wily inevitably escapes my final blow once again.
Alright - let's do it! Mega Man 2!