Demon Offspring

I am finally a demon that has fertilized a demoness. As Razor; I fornicated with Kali, one of my lovely pets. We have used our alternative avatars for this reason, which contained our Mama Alpha huds. And are happy with the results that gave us, which has been a week since the impregnation. She is now on her third month as a "preggo." It's the usual term for women with child in SL.

But to my surprised, as she informed me last night, there are three demonic embryos within her. The course of this outcome needs to be followed. As I will determine, which of the two will be sacrificed to my Lord of Hell, or will the demonic embryos determine their own fate. And compete in the womb for the survival of the strongest, as it occurs in nature.

Kali is a goddess figure, who is worshipped in Hindi culture. A goddess of "time and change" and is also referred to as the "Black One." A dark and violent omnipotent goddess, with a sword in hand, to annihilate her foes. More recently, she is a nurturing benevolent mother goddess of fertility, as portrayed by her followers.

Will she be a loving mother to the forth coming offspring we will have, or a blood thirsty demoness, bent on devouring her own children?

I for one, can not see this future before me. Time will gave me an answer, for it's not to far in the distance.

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