Today, is a special day in RL. Its "End of Days" or the rupture is suppose to happening or take place today. So I thought to mark the day with this blog entry. And maybe rent the movie, "End of Days" with the former Governator Arnold as the star. But it looks like we can guarantee another day tomorrow, and go to church. Give our thanks to the Lord or Anti-Lord, to allow humanity to continue to exist.
From the left: James, BJ, KC, Memory, Razor, and Nat
While I sat down in an eatery, and logged in world to spend time with my demon family. I took this group picture for our "End of Days" souvenir. Granted it's not all my family members, but a day worth remembering today.
I also practiced my magic at Cherry St, so I can prepare to ambush any former pets, which includes my recent ex-domina. I had BJ and Utopia near by, and wend up knocking them around. And I think I killed my dear Utopia, as well as myself. I usually target myself when I practice, just to know what spells and weapons do as they seek out their intended victims. I soon got bored, said "Good Night" to my pets, and left for RL.
I and you, can laugh about this day, and look forward to another "End of Days" prediction.