Still Playing...Halo

So I've probably put about 4-5 hours into this game so far. Since this game was the flagship launch title for the original Xbox I have been trying to play it from the mindset of someone who had just bought the system and the game. Someone who had made the decision to buy an Xbox rather than a PS2 or a Gamecube. I thought, "If I had made that decision, would I be happy based on playing this game." And the answer is a resounding yes.

The music, the graphics, the cinematic storytelling all lend themselves to the feeling that you have just purchased a system that can kick some serious ass. And barring some flat textures and the lip syncing working more like marionettes than humans, the game still holds up today, nine years after it's release.

I was talking with a friend a lunch today and I said it's remarkable that I didn't even have to think twice about the controls. I jumped right in and it was just as if I was playing a game that was released yesterday. It really speaks to the FPS control blueprint the Bungie team laid out that it's just as easy to play the first Halo as it is to play Modern Warfare 2.

So I just turned off the power on that island thing so I could access that door. Does anyone remember how much longer is left in the game after that?

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