AFK (away from keyboard)

Hello to all my Readers,

Sorry...for being away, and that I have not been doing my usual blogging of one story a day in this site. When I promised to myself its what I wanted to do when I started this blog. But then again, I have to be in-world, in Second Life to write about my SL interactions with the people I know, and places to visit. Sadly, I have not been in-world much, which I have my reasons, and will provide them for you.

Chey with her AFK make-up powdering her nose.
I just love it! Don't you?

First…Kitten has been having lap top issues (graphics card), and has not logged in SL for awhile. It's the reason I love for being in SL, because of my special relationship with her. My SL now revolves around her, and since she is not in much, I don't bother to log in as well. Mainly I prefer to do things with her around. I miss my SL wife Kitten. Got an email from her, which her lap top will soon be repaired, and she will be able to join me in SL soon. Lets keep our fingers crossed.

Second...I have a humming sound problem with the lap top fan, that rattles and vibrates from time to time. It does drive me crazy, and I still need to fix it, but I have not. I don’t trust geeks with my lap top. I hate to think they would remove my hard-drive and look into my personal information that is stored in there. But sooner or later, I will have to surrender my lap top to one of them, to get rid of the buzzing sound of the fan.

Third…My current work is definitely keeping me mentally exhausted from getting involved with blogging. I can't think straight when my mind is occupied, and plus a writer's "block or blank" manifest in my feeble attempts to write when it hits me.

Excuses…Too many to list further. But be assured I'm back into my blogging starting today. Do return often, as I plan to be going in-world, and continue my interactions, and adventures in Second Life.

If you have a Second Life account / character, do visit Indecent Exposure, a BDSM simulation, and the dance club that is there. It's where you will find me.

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