
So I had forgotten that I lent out Boom Blox to a friend. She returned it to me but also returned the favor by letting me borrow the sequel. Also, when I bought FF XIII, I made a deal with a friend that I would get that game and he would get God of War 3 - then when we both beat our respective games, we'd switch. I had completely forgotten about this. So this morning when I got to work, God of War 3 was sitting on my desk.

Damn it.

Two months ago my reaction to having a new game on my desk would have been to squeal and giggle like a little girl, but today I let out a groan of dread. "More work" my brain thought.

So I've added three more games to the list. Boom Blox, Boom Blox 2 and God of War 3. Although God of War should be a nice treat - I'll make sure to save it to play after a particularly frustrating game. But still - I've only beaten one game so far and now I've added three. One step forward and three steps back. Damn it.

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