Up Next: Kirby's Adventure

With the recent release of Kirby's Return to Dreamland on Wii, I thought it might be a good time to dig into the little pink ball's first adventure.

Kirby's adventure is a really unique game for it's time. On the surface, it looks like just another early 90s platformer, but once you start playing you'll see how original it really is. Kirby's main ability is sucking in enemies like a vacuum - once in his mouth, he can either spit them back out as  a high speed projectile, or he can swallow them. Swallowing enemies gives Kirby that enemy's attack - so swallowing a little swordsman gives you a sword, swallowing a fire breathing dude let's you breathe fire, and so on. It's a really fun mechanic that lets you experiment with different abilities almost at will. At some points you'll need a specific ability to access hidden areas or get bonus items.

The game is also a lot more challenging than it initially seems. Especially if you're going for 100% completion. Some of the secrets are devilishly difficult to find, and quite a few bosses sent me to the continue screen more than once.

It's a fun game that I'm about 75% done with already! Looking forward to crossing this one off my list quickly and getting some momentum going again.


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