Falling Emi

As usual, Emi is one of the first people to greet and IM me in chat, if not Kitten and BJ. I rezzed by the campfire that I recently placed on the upper tier of the battlements of our castle.

I saw a bed, and other things that belongs to Emi. I returned her salutations, and told her I sent her items back into her inventory. "I was showing them to Kitten and Memory last night."

When people don't pick up after themselves, I return items back into their "lost and found" section of their inventory. So it's better for people to pick up after themselves, or else it gets lost in their inventory.

She wanted to join me, and asked for a "TP?" I sent her a Teleport request, and waited for her. Then Shiny poofed in at the designated landing spot on the lair. Emi in IM, "I fell." "You fell?" (Emi gestures a Nod in IM) "You were just here yesterday. And you fell now? That's odd!" "Tp again." "Tp sent." Shouts; "Hell-os Shiny!" in local chat. Shiny, "Hi!" From Emi in IM, "Kaboom, you home sucks!" "Why?" "I fell again!" "Awee dear...sorry! Don't know whats going on with you. Can't be me. Don't you have a LM for the Sim?" "I do."

I sent her several teleport request to join me where I was, and I was with Shiny by that time. The last TP I sent her, got her 33 meters from my location. And she appeared between two layers of rock walls, with three walls that surrounds the castle. "Why are you there between a wall and that wall?" Tried to talk to her, but she went silent in IM. A few minutes later, she either crashed or logged off with frustration.

I feel for Emi, which I could not help her with the SL glitch that is occurring with her avatar. "How are you Shiny..."

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