Lair Under Construction

Yesterday, I meet Lilith on a demon Sim she owned. I stoped by there after seeing her builds on Market Street. She has item for sale, and saw a hellish looking building she made, and wanted to see it for myself. I didn't expect to find her there, but she tp'ed near me, after seeing my name on her notification screen. "I have to see this Handsome Devil for myself." was what she told me. I expressed a smile....and said, "Hell-o" We talked for a bit and she showed me her "Hell" building that she created. We walked through the dark tunnels and passages of the building. "Nicely made." Was my complement.

Later, she showed me her new building, called "Hellucination" that will be placed in the market for sell to the residents in world or those with hellish fetish. I was the first to see it. It contained slightly under 300 prims for 1k Lindens. Twice the size of the other, with this containing a built in throne with one pose, that will help a demon lord to be able to see his demonic realm.

I had Enoch to make me a new demon lair, but I have not heard from her in world, nor did she bother to send me a note card as to the progress of a Mayan ziggurat pyramid. With that in mind and not knowing what happened to Enoch, I asked Lilith to make me a demon lair.

I asked for the following for the building to make room for or include into:

4 level structure that will be placed in a box, with mountains as a background. A post nuclear war wasteland, with dead trees and skeletal remains by a Gothic destroyed castle. And passages to the other levels below.

Dungeon will have six pillars, three on each side, high ceilings. Five rooms on this level for family to be able to rent a room. A place to display family portraits among the walls.

First level hell will have some fire, smoke, and a extremely over heated sauna pool. Will contain BDSM and torture devices (like a cross beam and spinning rack), cages, and four living quarters.

Ninth level hell will be the Throne, Meeting Pit, Dolcett butcher table, and the tormented eye. It will over-see the gold, silver, and precious gems held in the dark depts of hell. Also, non played Avis to be chained along the walls, as permanent statues on display.

I gave her 1k Linden as deposit and good faith on my part. I expect the completion in two weeks by Lilith. I can't wait to see my new lair, and hope it will be used often by the family.

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