Demon Domain

Ok...the demon lair is done! Thanks to Lilith and Empress Absinthe, together they made an awesome home for myself and my minions. It turned out larger than I expected, and a few additions that I did not foresee when it was initially conceived in my mind.

The final home is five levels, with two levels on the castle grounds. Five regular rooms on the first level. It has a sorcery building; gargoyles preached on the roof tops, with a coffin within its room, and a small garden that contains weeds, hemlocks, and digitalis. Below the building, are three dead trees with a rotting human corpse in the center, hanging from a branch. The second floor contains five large rooms, a good place for vampires to place their personal coffins, should a few want to live with us demons.

Then the dungeon below that contains six rooms with fireplaces, and jail cells on one side of the wall, with putrid water running from cell to cell. They will hold humans for sacrifices or those that require to be held for awhile, until dealt with a form of punishment.

Their are stairways that lends to the other levels below, but with a teleport pad nearby for those that prefer to poof between levels instead.

Finally a decent into First level hell, the stairway will take an individual into the realm of chaos; pain for the flesh, torments in the mind, agony for the spirit. An Evil Eye at the bottom of the stairway, greets the sinful soul, that will now oversee the where-abouts of those that have been sentenced to dwell in hell. As they make their decent into the nine levels of hell. (Second to the Eighth levels of hell are not included with this build.)

First level hell contains four, two level flats. It makes a perfect home for a demon or creature that wants his home to be warmer than normal. The flooring is cracked with molten lava, just wanting to ooze under your feet, but is kept under control by the demons that call it home.  There is a lava fountain, with a balcony overhead that can be used for a DJ to place his equipment, to blast his music and blow off the ears of the damn souls. What better way to pump up the volume? Laughs.

As one wanders about, it is easy for those to get lost. The size gives it a great illusion of being a maze. So if one is not looking for markers, one will surely be lost between its walls. Also contains devices for torture; cross beams, spinning racks, and similar items.

Then finally... Ninth level hell, my personal sanctum. It contains a meeting circle for my Whip Masters, a lava pool, and dolcett furniture for feasting on humans. The art works conveys just that, with "Saturn eating his children," "dark demon devours a soul, " and two others provided by Lilith.

Overall, twenty rental rooms, and large spaces for family to gather and play. This is a great new home, which the family will enjoy.

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