I've made it farther than I ever have before.
The final boss has three forms. Each more insane than the last. Now remember, if you die on the boss, the trap door is triggered and you are sent back to the beginning of Level 6 - by far one of the hardest levels in video game history. If - however - you beat the first form of the boss, and then die, the next time you reach the final chamber you start with the second form of the boss. I have beaten the first and second forms and have gotten the third form down to like two hit points. And then it sent me all the way back to the beginning.
I can't tell you how infuriating that is.
The up side is that being forced to run Level 6 again and again has given me a mastery over the devious, cheap kill fest.
Once again The Angry Video Game Nerd sums it up nicely.