One Year Anniversary Post!

The Game Adventure has been going strong for exactly one year today. In the past year I've seen the endings of 21 games which I've never seen before. That may be a paltry number to some, but for me it's huge. I'm used to beating maybe five games a year - so it feels like a really great accomplishment. If I keep going at this rate, it should take me about two more years to finish everything. That's a while, isn't it?

And since we're feeling nostalgic, let's take a look at some of the best and worst of this past year.

a boy and his blob (Wii)
Batman Arkham Asylum
Super Metroid
Portal 2

360 Biting the Dust
Corrupt memory while playing Beyond Good and Evil
My battle with Geometry Wars
Kingdom Hearts 2

Best Moment:
Finally beating Zelda II

Worst Moment: 
Every second of Donkey Kong Country 

I'm excited for the year ahead. I've still got a ton of great games in my backlog, and I'm looking forward to finally being in control of my collection.

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