Up Next: Shadow Complex

Thanks to Mike for the suggestion.

Seeing that Shadow Complex is based almost entirely on the blueprint of Super Metroid it would be nice to see how the two compare to one another.

Shadow Complex is an XBOX LIVE Arcade (XBLA) title that was published by Gears of War house, Epic Games. It's a 2D Metroid style game which means lots of upgrades, huge map and lots of backtracking and exploration of previously visited areas. Unlike Metroid though, the game is set on earth, in present day, starring a normal dude. No power suit, no history of awesome bounty hunting, no parasitic life forms to eradicate. You're just a dude who is trying to find his girlfriend.

I'm excited for this one. From what I remember, the pacing is fairly strong, the gameplay smooth and well developed, and the story fairly interesting.

For the uninitiated, here's a little video of the gameplay:

Why I Never Finished It: My main reason for purchasing a 360 was to play XBLA games. I am an indie music fan and have always felt a bond with anything indie, or "below the radar" so XBLA was my drug for a while. Any well-reviewed game would usually get my points, and as you can see from my collection I bought those games fairly recklessly for a while.

Shadow Complex is certainly one of the better ones in my XBLA collection, but with the glut of well reviewed releases, it just got forgotten.

I'm excited to take it down and see everything it has to offer.

Shadow Complex for XBOX 360. Let's do it!

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